stressed af

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About a week later...

We all wasted no time getting things back to normal. After all, what else was there to do? With less than three months until our baby made its arrival, we were rushing to get a nursery set up. Technically we already had everything we needed baby wise, boy or girl for our twins but we used this as a chance to get new things to replace our sad memories.

"How the hell are we going to put this together?" Jaden questioned, running his hand threw his hair, stressed as fuck.
"It can't be that hard, Jae. I can call Bryce if you want since he's the one who put it together before." I raised an eyebrow.
"No, I'm about to be a dad, I should be able to figure out how to put together a crib on my own." He continued reading the directions. "Is your family still coming by today?"
"Yeah mom and dad are in town for the weekend so they're coming over for dinner. Collin had meeting all day and Sarah is taking CJ on a play date so it's just us four. My dad can probably help you when he comes over, and don't take no for an answer because you're really struggling right now babe." I laughed.
"I just want everything to be perfect." He sighed. "After everything, you'd think I'd have it figured out by now."
I sat down beside him on the floor, struggling because I was carrying a large belly with me, but eventually crossing my legs beside him and placing my hand on his thigh.
"Jaden we don't have to have it all figured out. I hate to break it to you but we probably never will because we're a wreck." I laughed.
"That didn't help."
"My point is, no one is expecting us to have it all together. We're going to be first time parents and we have a lot to learn. But one thing I know for sure is that if anyone can do this, we can."
"Ugh." He sighed again. "Whatever you say."
"Right. I love you." I kissed his cheek. "Now leave that for now and let's go figure out the dinner situation."

About an hour later, my parents walked in the front door and uber eats pulled in right behind him since neither Jaden or I really cooked.
"Hey mom." I grinned, walking over to hug her.
"Hey honey." She smiled into my shoulder. "Look at you, beautiful. Your belly is growing so fast."
"It's so nice to see you in person rather than just FaceTime." My dad chimed in. "It's good to see you both back home."
"Welcome to our home." Jaden smiled, shaking my dad's hand and hugging my mom.
"I can't believe this is the first time you guys have been here!" I smiled, placing plates on the dining table.
"It's beautiful." My mom smiled, gazing around. "I'm really proud of you two. You've been through so much and yet you guys haven't given up yet."
"This may be my hormones acting up but I think I'm going to cry." I laughed wiping a tear.
Everyone laughed in response.
"Okay everyone sit down, I'll bring the food over." Jaden smiled, pulling out my chair for me.

We all talked amongst ourselves, feasting on the chinese food we ordered, finally catching up in person. Having my parents here made my entire heart full. I hadn't seen them since before we moved into the house with everything going on but they still were my rocks through it all.
"So, have you guys talked names yet?" My mom questioned.
"Honestly.. no." I pursed my lips. "We haven't even had the time, really."
"In my opinion, I kind of wanted to wait until the baby was here until we decided, considering the past and all." Jaden looked down at the floor.
"Right." My dad chimed in. "It's completely understandable. Not knowing the gender is actually quite exciting. I know for a fact that we will love this baby no matter the gender or name."
"I agree." My mom smiled.
"We have news, by the way." My mom placed her hand on my dad's.
"Yeah?" Jaden questioned.
"Well." My dad cleared his throat. "Your mom and I are retiring this year."
"That's awesome!" I excitedly chanted. "Now you guys can travel like you've always wanted to."
"Well that's not our only news." My dad laughed. "We are planning on moving out here to California."
"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Yes." My mom grinned. "We want to be about to spend more time with our kids, grandkids and of course our daughter and son in-law. We still will be traveling a good bit, but we will get a small apartment here so when we aren't traveling we can be here with you guys."
I got up and walked over, embracing them in a huge hug, Jaden following closely behind.
"I think that's awesome." Jaden gleamed.
"Me too." I sniffled. "These damn hormones."

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now