stuck in my nightmare

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It's been two days.

Two days since I delivered my baby.

Two days since I delivered a baby with no heartbeat.

At my doctors appointment, the nurse saw no heartbeat on the ultrasound. She frantically turned it off, rushing out of the room to grab a doctor. Everything moved so fast after that, I didn't even get a moment to process all my surroundings. The only time any of them ever spoke to me, was to ask for a number of an emergency contact. I gave them Bryce and Avani's numbers just because I knew they would drop everything to get here and be able to keep it a secret.
Since I was over six months pregnant, I still had to deliver Brycen, even though he had no heartbeat. I didn't understand why he didn't, or what happened. Just the night before he kept me up all night because he was kicking like crazy. According to my doctor, there was no explanation for what happened. It wasn't my fault or anyone else's, but that didn't stop me from blaming myself. If I didn't stress myself out so much about everything going on, maybe my baby would be okay.

I got home this morning. Bryce basically carried me up to my room and laying me on my bed covering me up, sitting down on the edge of the bed observing me.
"You haven't spoken in two days, Y/N. Do you want me to call your parents, see if they'll come visit?" He asked, placing a hand on my ankle, trying to calm me down.
"Y/N I know you're hurting. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. I'll give you time, but we at least need to tell everyone. I can even do it for you if you want."
"Okay. Let's go tell the boys. Right now." I slowly pulled myself up from the bed, ignoring the 'bed rest' orders from my doctors and starting to walk downstairs. Josh, Griffin, and Anthony were hanging out in the living room playing video games. They focused their attention to Bryce and I when I walked in the room.
"What's up guys?" Ant asked, hanging a controller to Bryce. He sat it down on the end table and sat down beside me on the sofa, clearing his throat.
"I guess you've been wondering where we've been. I um- I lost Brycen. He had no heart beat and I had to deliver a stillborn baby." I choked out.
No one said anything but instead they all walked over, embracing me into a group hug.
When we all pulled away, we were all crying.
"Does Jaden know?" Anthony muttered, in between tears.
"No and no one is to say a word to him either." I demanded and they all nodded.
"Go up and get in bed, seriously. We'll all check in on you and get you whatever you need. And if you don't want to be alone, text one of us. We're here for you." Griffin reassured.
"I don't know what I would do without you guys..." I trailed off, wiping a couple tears from my face.
About that time, Jaden walked through the front door, immediately noticing the overall sad vibe in the room.
"What's going on?"

i know it's sad as hell rn but don't give up on me yet lmao i promise it gets better

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