i miss you

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three months later.....

My eyes slowly fluttered opened, waking up and realizing that I'm not in my bed at home. I heard audible gasps and heard the voice of my mom, I think. Once I regained full consciousness, I opened my eyes once again to reveal my mom and Avani, each holding one of my hands.
"You're awake." Avani whispered, wiping tears away from her face.
"I'm so happy you're awake honey. How are you feeling?" My mom smiled, blinking away tears.
"Where am I? What happened?" I asked, confused as ever.
They both glanced at each other before my mom nodding at Avani.
"You were in a bad car crash. A drunk driver ran a red light, hitting your car, and flipping it upside down. You're lucky to be alive." Avani muttered.
It took me a moment to realize what she had just said. Once I realized, I quickly reached down touching my belly, feeling the now large bump on my stomach.
"The baby's okay right? Please tell me my baby is okay." I was now sobbing.
"Shhh, honey." My mom wiped my tears away. "One of the babies made it. The doctors and nurses have been monitoring it closely and if you keep recovering like you are, your baby boy will be just fine."
"One of my babies?" I gasped.
"Y/N you were pregnant with twins." Avani said. "One of them died on impact from the wreck. The other is doing great and is showing no signs of harm from the wreck."
I wiped the now river flowing on my face away before speaking again. "It's a boy?"
"It's a boy, darling." My mom faintly smiled. "Brycen Jaden Hossler."
I nodded, taking the rest of my surroundings in.
"Where is Jaden." I demanded. "Jaden. I need to see Jaden now, mom."
Avani burst into a fit of sobs, exiting the room. My mom sat down in the chair beside my hospital bed, and cupped my hand inside both of hers. "Honey Jaden isn't awake."
"Jaden's injuries were far worse than yours. When the car flipped upside down, it landed on the driver's side. The doctor's were certain you were going to wake up on your own within time, but they aren't so sure about Jaden honey."
I immediately began sobbing into my mother's chest, uncontrollably shaking. This couldn't be reality. This was a dream. I was going to wake up in my bed with Jaden's arms wrapped around me. This was a nightmare.

I woke up with a pounding headache. I must've fallen asleep in the midst of bawling my eyes out. My eyes were now swollen and I'm sure my face was bloodshot red along with tear stained cheeks. I took in my surroundings, revealing Josh and Bryce. Bryce was asleep on the couch across from me, and Josh was silently scrolling through his phone sitting in the chair beside me.
"Hey Josh." I whispered.
"Y/N! Hey!" He brought me into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're awake."
He quickly put his hand over his mouth at the sound of his rather loud voice, causing me to giggle and waking up Bryce in the process.
"Shut up Josh." He groaned.
"Get up bitch." I laughed.
"Y/N!!!!" Bryce yelled, leaping up from his spot on the couch, pulling me into an even tighter hug than Josh.
"You're hurting me Bryce." I struggled to speak.
"Sorry." He laughed. "We missed you so much."
"I missed you guys too." I forced a smile on my face. "I'm still taking in everything, I think. Have you guys been visiting this whole time?"
"We've all been taking turns sitting with you, and um, Jaden." Josh cleared his throat. "You guys have never been alone."
I wiped away yet another tear from my face, before a small smile formed on my lips.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you guys for that, but thank you, really. Do you know when I can get the hell out of here?" I groaned.
"Your nurse said that if all your bloodwork comes back okay, hopefully in a couple days. You'll have to come back once a week to check on Brycen, though." Bryce smiled.
"Well they can check on Brycen from Jaden's room because that's where I'm going when they discharge me." I demanded.
"Y/N, I know this isn't what you want to hear but-" Josh started before I interrupted.
"I'm going to sit with my husband until he wakes up and no one is going to stop me."
"Fine." You could tell Josh felt defeated, and didn't want to upset me even more.
"Now, can someone fill me in and tell me how long I've been asleep for?" I asked.
"Sure." Bryce smiled, sitting on the arm of Josh's chair.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now