aloha bitches

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We made it to the airport literally just in time. We checked our luggage, sprinted through security, changed into some spare clothes Avani had packed in a carry-on and made it to our gate with zero time to spare. Luckily it was almost midnight and the airport wasn't very busy.

We sat down in our seats on the plane. I was in the window seat, and Jaden in the aisle seat. Our friends had bought three tickets side by side so we didn't have to sit with anyone else which was very much appreciated.

Right as the plane was taking off, Jaden reached over and squeezed my hand, reassuring my fear of flying. I don't know how he always remembers every little detail. Once we were in the air, we unbuckled our seatbelts and cuddled up to each other.
"Can you believe it?" I smiled, looking up at Jaden.
"It's so fucking crazy." He grinned. "I never thought I'd be here right now. I know we keep saying that but I still can't believe it. Married with a baby on the way. I couldn't be happier though."
"Right? Hawaii has always been on my bucket list too. It's my dream vacation."
"Mine too!"
"Avani and Bryce definitely did good with the planning." I giggled.
"What else is on your bucket list?" He asked.
"Since you asked... Ive always wanted to join the mile high club." I smirked.
Jaden didn't say anything, he just grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the bathroom in the back of the plane. I'm sure you know what happened next. 😉

We still had about three hours left on the flight. We had just finished watching a movie, and my eyes were struggling to stay open.
"I'm gonna get some sleep Jae." I yawned.
"Me too." He yawned too, wrapping his arm around me. "See you in Hawaii baby."

I was awoken by the flight attendant softly shaking mine and Jaden's shoulder. I got up and looked around and the plane was empty.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, how long has everyone been off?" I gasped.
"About ten minutes. I couldn't bring myself to wake you guys up yet though, you looked so peaceful." She smiled. "Honeymoon?"
"How'd you know?" Jaden laughed.
She pointed to our weddings bands. "And the fact that you guys are all cuddled up together when there was an open seat between you. Only newlyweds would do that. Oh and you two both went to the bathroom at the same time earlier." She laughed. "Have an amazing trip, you two."
We both said thank you, grabbed our carry on, and exited the plane.

We made our way through the airport, stopping to get our luggage, and walking outside to find a man dressed to the nines holding up a sign that read "Hossler." We walked up to him confused as hell.
"Your friends set this up, Mr. and Mrs. Hossler. Allow me." He opened the door to the Escalade and took our luggage, putting it in the back of the car.

The ride was rather quiet, other than Jaden and I calling our families to tell them we've made it, and Avani and Bryce to thank them once again for everything. About an hour later, we pulled into the entrance of a fancy ass resort. The driver got our luggage out and we made our way inside to be met with the most beautiful hotel I've ever seen. The beach could be seen from the lobby. We checked in, and we're given a key to the top floor. We took the elevator up, and got out putting our key card in the slot, revealing a huge suite. It was decorated beautifully with "Just Married" decor all around. I laughed to myself, because when Avani left big standards for her wedding.

"This. is. amazing." Jaden said as he gazed around the beautiful room.
"We're never leaving." I giggled.
"It's 8am, do you want to get some sleep and then go
to dinner?" He asked.
"Hell no. We can sleep on the beach. Let's enjoy what time we have here."
"Sounds good, wife." Jaden winked.

this chapter and the next two (possibly) are just fillers to where the real drama starts... stick with me bc I promise it gets GOOD

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن