another surprise?

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The next few weeks were as normal as normal was for us. And it felt so good. I was the happiest I had been in a very long time and if I was being honest, Jaden and I both deserved it. We spent our days making content, spending time with our friends, and typically a lot of eating. That was nothing new though.

I was currently downstairs drinking coffee and eating some eggs alone, considering I woke up after 1pm and everyone else had started their day a long time ago.
"Morning guys." I smiled, as he walked in with Josh, carrying groceries.
"Morning bud" Josh winced. "Little help please?"
I grabbed a couple bags from each of them and sat them on the counter.
"I'll put them up." I grabbed a bag, starting to find a place for each item.
They both nodded and Josh left, leaving Jaden sitting on the kitchen island.
"So what are you doing today?" He asked, emptying bags to help me out.
"No plans, just hangout I guess. I want to go see my brother one day this week if that's cool."
"Yeah sounds good." He nodded. "Also be ready by 6 tonight because I have a surprise."
"Another surprise?" My face lit up. "Jaden I hope you didn't spend a lot of money on me."
"I didn't, trust me." He winked.
"You look excited." I giggled.
"You will be too baby."
"What should I wear?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Anything you want. Preferably one of my shirts." He shrugged.
I nodded and smiled, thinking of what the surprise could possibly be.

The remainder of my afternoon that I had left, I spent doing my normal shower routine and quickly getting ready, skipping makeup and drying my hair. Sometimes I wonder what Jaden sees in me because I rarely dress up or do anything with myself.
I cleaned our room a little, making sure everything was organized. I even cleaned up the kitchen and living room because it was driving me crazy. These boys never clean up after themselves, but honestly after everything, I wasn't going to complain about that. They had been such a rock for me and Jaden.
As five o'clock came around, I walked upstairs and threw on a quick face of makeup so I could look presentable. Quick as in thirty minutes, but whatever. I brushed my hair and left it to do whatever it was doing. By the time I sprayed some perfume on and put my shoes on, it was five fifty.
I walked downstairs, and saw Jaden sitting on the couch alone.
"Hey Jae, you ready? I smiled, stepping down from the last step.
He smiled and walked over to me smirking.
"You look beautiful." He kissed my neck, bringing me into a hug. "Makes me want to take you upstairs right now."
"We can do that tonight, it's surprise time now!" I squealed, walking past him and grabbing the car keys.
Once we got to the car, he took the keys from me like I knew he would, he never lets me drive. He closed my door for me and went around to his side, getting in and starting the car. As we backed out of the driveway he handed me a blindfold.
"Here, put this on and I'll tell you when to take it off. It's not a long drive."

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now