are you serious right now?

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Last day in Hawaii...

We were currently sitting at a beautiful candle-lit dinner under a canopy on the beach. The last four days have been some of the best of my life. As if it was even possible, Jaden and I got so much closer. He really was my best friend and life partner all in one.
There is no such thing as perfection though...

I cleared my throat and began to start a really sensitive topic in our relationship.
"So honestly we haven't really talked about this and I don't know how we haven't, but you know my lease is up in a month and Avani is moving into the Hype House with Nick." I sighed, this was a sensitive topic. "Don't you think it'd be better if we moved into my apartment, or found somewhere else, with the baby and all?"
"I've told you this Y/N, we're living at Sway. All the guys are cool with it and Josh agreed to share a room with Bryce."
"Jaden we have a family now. We're married and we have a baby on the way." I took a long, deep breath.
"Yeah I'm very aware babe." He rolled his eyes.
"Then I think it's time for us to venture out. We're starting a new chapter in our lives and we can't exactly do that living with all of your guy friends. Don't get me wrong I love all of them but-"
"It's final, Y/N. I'm not moving out of the Sway House so don't bring it up again okay."

The rest of the dinner was silent. Frankly, I felt defeated and annoyed. Like what the hell? Every time I brought it up he shut me down and I had zero say in the matter. It was honestly the only thing that we didn't see eye to eye on, and it was a big fucking thing. We're just going to live with the guys until the end of time with our children? I know for a fact Bryce won't be happy when he's woken up in the middle of the night by a crying baby, no one would. It's not like I'm trying to take him away from his friends, we would most definitely be there almost everyday, if not everyday.

We walked side by side back up to our room without saying a word. I watched at Jaden used the key card to unlock the door and I followed behind, shutting it behind me. I immediately went over to my luggage and began packing. When I was finished, I went into the bathroom to shower and pack the rest of my toiletries. Jaden was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands and I didn't even bother to say anything, I just really didn't feel like talking right now.

After I finished packing and showering, I made my way to the bed and threw myself down, burying myself underneath the covers. Jaden was nowhere to be found but I figured he was just blowing off steam somewhere. Right as I was drifting off to sleep, the door swung open, revealing an obviously intoxicated Jaden. He trudged over to the bed and flopped down beside me, reeking of alcohol. I ignored him and rolled back over.
"I l-love youuuu" He slurred. "I'm sooo s-sorry"
"Jesus Jaden just go to sleep." I yelled. "You're acting like an ass."
He didn't say anything. He just rolled over in my direction, wrapping his arms around my torso. I had to fight back the urge to puke because the scent of alcohol made my pregnant self want to puke everywhere. That's all I remember before drifting off into a deep sleep.

Skip to the airport the next morning bc I'm lazy.....

We just boarded the plane and we're waiting for take-off. We hadn't said much to each other other than a few words, and I was enjoying the silence right now. I really had nothing to say, and Jaden hadn't apologized yet.
The plane started to take-off and Jaden reached over and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers. My heart melted because in the midst of our argument he still chose to comfort me. To be honest, I was still so angry I had forgotten about my fear of flying. I blame it on being pregnant.

The plane landed about 7 hours later back in California and we made our way through the airport, grabbing our luggage rather quickly. Jaden had all the bags, which I'm sure was an attempt to stay on my good side. I followed him out to the parking deck where Avani had rented us yet another car for us. This time, it was a small four-door Honda Accord and for that, I was extra grateful. That pick-up made me insanely car sick.
Along the ride, Jaden's hand eventually found his way to my thigh, giving it a little squeeze.
"I'm sorry Y/N." He turned his attention to me. "I don't know why I acted like that."
"Jaden it's fine, kind of. I'm just not understanding where you're coming from I guess." I avoided eye contact with him.
"I don't know if I know either. I just think I'm not ready to leave the boys yet. They've been there for me through so much and I'm just not ready to leave them yet, even if it means raising a baby in the Sway House."
"I just don't think it's safe for a baby there and we can't ask the boys to change their lifestyle because we decided to have a child."
"I know. I can't lose you though baby. I've talked to them and they really, really don't mind. They're all actually really excited. Just trust me-"

And that's all I heard before I heard an abrupt crash.

Happily Ever After // Jaden Hossler जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें