You Can Live In Freedom

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Temptation and Condemnation are Satan's two favorite methods.

⚫️ Satan minimized our sin before we commit it and maximizes it afterwards.

But there's news. God saves.
(Colossians 1:13)
You can live in freedom because God already defeated the darkness. He has overcomes the world.
When Jesus' worked on the cross, he already defeated the enemy forever.
If you have accepted God's offer of salvation and have the Holy Spirit in you.

Satan only has the power that you yield to ol ahim. So don't ever give satan the enemy the power to control you. Do not give the devil a foothold. He'll start with small things but you won't notice one day he'll be the major stockholder so do not give him even just 1% of power over you.

⚫️ Through fear, bitterness and anxiety, you can give power back to Satan.

Those are the signs that we are starting to give power satan to control us again. But when you trust God and choose forgiveness and hope, Satan is powerless in you again. So you can live in freedom.

It's a lie and deception when we think we won't have freedom. Because when you choose God he is freedom. The things we can't do, Jesus did it for us. To give us freedom. But don't use freedom that's given as an excuse to sin again.

Jesus died for us once and for all.

[Title of the song: Run to the Father by Cody Carnes]

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