God Is Working While you Are Waiting

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Rene Dela Cruz Alog

13Aug2020 Thursday



"I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised." Psalm 130:5 (TLB)

God wants you to wait patiently for him to answer your prayers, but he also wants you to wait expectantly

Have faith. Trust God to hear and to answer.

When you wait expectantly, you demonstrate that you believe God's promises. You believe he's going to keep his word.

You maybe be confused and bewildered right now. Perhaps you're bewildered about your marriage: "I'm praying for it to get better, but it's not getting any better." You're bewildered about your job. You're bewildered about relationships.

You may feel powerless and hopeless, like you can't do anything to change your situation on your own. You're bewildered.

Don't be discouraged! Don't give up! Look up. Turn to prayer. There are many requests in my life that I've prayed to God that have yet to be answered. 

In fact, I can think of one prayer that I have prayed almost every day for years, and it hasn't been answered. I don't know why God hasn't answered that prayer yet, but I have decided this: Whether or not God ever answers that prayer, I am going to die believing his promises. Because God is a good God, and he knows what's best, even when I don't understand it.

When God doesn't answer your prayers, you want to remember a couple of important truths. 

First, God is in control, and you're not. He knows better what you need than you do. There is no mountain too tall that he can't move it. There is no problem so big that he can't solve it. There is no sorrow so deep he cannot soothe it. God is in control, and he has a plan.

The second thing to remember is that, whether or not you ever receive your answer, God will honor your patience—if not in this world, then in eternity.

"I wait expectantly, trusting God to help, for he has promised" (Psalm 130:5 TLB).


Father God, whether or not I ever receive Your answer, You will honor my patience—if not in this world, then in eternity. Amen.

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