Real Faith Changes Lives

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10Aug2020 Monday


* Some people think faith is just a conversation.

* It's an idea to be discussed or a theology to be debated.

* But faith is so much more than that.

* James teaches us that real faith transforms lives.

* James 2:18 says, "Now someone may argue, 'Some people have faith; others have good deeds.' But I say, 'How can you show me your faith if you don't have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds'" (NLT).

* Here, James is describing the person who thinks faith can be separated from actions—how believing in God's Word and good deeds aren't connected.

* However, James also says he can't see your faith if you don't show it with your good deeds.

* His life has been changed by his faith, so James says he can prove his faith by pointing to the way he serves God and the way he serves others.

* One way to explain this is to consider love.

* Love isn't visible unless you are able to see it in action.

* In the same way, the only way you know if someone has real faith is by looking at how they live.

* James is essentially saying, "If you claim to be a Christian, then I have the right to ask you to prove it through your actions."

* The point is, someone as big as God can't possibly come into your life without changing you visibly.

* 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" (NLT).


Father God, if I claim to be a Christian, then You have the right to ask me to prove it through by my actions. Give me the grace to walk by faith. Amen.

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