Feast of Pentecost & The Holy Spirit

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Feast of weeks, a harvest festival (Leviticus 23:15-16)
To present an offering of new grain to the Lord.
50th day of the Passover feast.
Pentecost from the Greek word "pente" 5.
(Acts 1)
When God came back up to heaven they waited to 10 days after the Holy Spirit's baptism was released. All of them received the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different kind to tongues.

To be able to be an effective witness of God we should have the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Pentecost.

Harvest of new born souls on Pentecost

God the Holy Spirit - Our
(John 14:16-18)
He lives with you and he leaves in you. If we don't know which way to turn we might begin to worry. But once you accept God you will never be alone. He will send you someone who'll guide you through it all and that is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is member of the trinity along with The Father and The Son.

If we are willing to yield ourselves to him, we may freely draw on the resources of God's Spirit. Our divine helper is always there to attend to us in our need.

We may feel alone and helpless but he is always present and is always there.

What is the work of the Holy Spirit?

▪️Convict us of Sin (John 16:8)
Before we sin and do something bad we already hear a voice who convicts us that what we're gonna do is not right. He makes us realize that we are sinners in need of salvation so that we may repent and receive forgiveness.

Even after salvation he continues to convict us when we fail to live as we should. Reminds us that sin does not fit us.

▪️Seals us (Ephesians 1:13)
He marks us that we are God's property. The truth that God's Spirit has been marked to us. The seal is to authenticate to, show ownership, and to protect. You are owned by the one who sealed you. The Holy Spirit seals us in our hearts in Christ as children of God. 'Do not accept if the seal is broken.'

▪️Indwells Us (Romans 8:11)
The Holy Spirit is an eternal gift that is sent to us and now gives us life and power to do what he requires of us.

▪️He Teaches Us (John 14:26)
Our helper who is sent in God's name. He will teach us all things. The Spirit is a teacher who surpasses all others. He will guide us as we read God's words teaching us to accurately interpret as we read the Bible.

The Bible is an amazing treasure God has given us and as we faithfully read it the Holy Spirit will guide us completely.

▪️Reveals Truth To Us (1 Corinthians 2:12)
When we speak and preach they will hear the intelligence coming from the Holy Spirit. Keep seeking and hear God's words and the Holy Spirit will give us comprehension. Don't give up on reading God's words even when we don't understand is sometimes.

▪️Guides Us (John 16:13)
He will guide you into all the truth. Our helper is also our guide. We should first ask the Holy Spirit to guide us before we ask others.

▪️Bears Fruit Trough Us (Galatians)
When we're having trouble loving someone, the Holy Spirit will help us to change our attitude and our intentions are true. He will help us to be fruitful. (John 14:26) remind us all God's teachings to us. If we will be faithful to read to bible.

▪️Equips Us with Spiritual Gifts

▪️Empowers Us
His strength enable us to accomplish what he calls us to do.

▪️Fills Us (Ephesians 5:13)
Our Life is govern and guided by the Holy Spirit. No believer has a legitimate excuse not to obey the Lord. Because the Holy Spirit gives us the strength and words to what is right.

When we understand the work of the Holy Spirit. As we walk we are not weak but powerful. 💪🏻

[Touch of Heaven - Hillsong United]

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