Difference Between Knowing and Learning

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15 July 2020 Wednesday

* God won't teach you something new until you've put into practice what he's already taught you.
* He isn't in the business of simply satisfying your curiosity.
* He tells you something and waits for you to act on it.
* Once you act on it, then you get to go to the next step.

* You see, God wants you to apply the truth you've learned—and you haven't learned something until you've done it.

* It's not enough for you to tell people you believe the Bible.
* You must do what the Bible teaches.
* If you don't do what the Bible teaches, then you don't really believe it.

* That's what we see in the story of Belshazzar in the book of Daniel.
* He lost everything because he didn't put into practice what he'd already learned.

* He pridefully refused to learn the lessons God had taught his grandfather.
* His empire fell because of that.

* The Bible records Daniel telling him, "You are his successor, O Belshazzar, and you knew all this, yet you have not humbled yourself" (Daniel 5:22 NLT).

* Belshazzar saw Nebuchadnezzar literally lose his mind for about seven years because of pride.
* He saw all the mistakes his grandfather made.
* He saw his grandfather come back and correct those things.
* He saw the good and the bad in Nebuchadnezzar's life, and he chose to ignore God. Belshazzar chose to ignore the lessons.

* So God took away his kingdom.

* Belshazzar knew, but he didn't learn.
* We need to understand the difference between knowing and learning.
* You can know a lot of things, but if you don't act on them, you haven't learned anything.

* God wants us to be doers of the Word.
* That means he will support us as we step forward in faith, applying the things he's taught us to do.

* Father God, You want me to be doer of Your Word. That means You will support me as I step forward in faith, applying the things You taught me to do. Amen.

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