How Can You Get Your Perspective?

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We only see where we are right now but we cannot see what lies in the end. We can't see our future and what it holds. Our perspective is only limited but God can see everything since the beginning of our life until the end of it.

He has much much bigger perspective than we do. God wants to share his perspective with you and he shares it through his word, through the Bible.

God's perspective helps us understand the bigger picture.

And we can understand what God wants and we can understand what's happening in our world right now.

If you have God's perspective then you will know the reason behind all of this. Without God's perspective in you life, life can be full of constant frustrations.

When we see things, we see it using the eyes of faith.

God allows situations to happen because he is teaching us something.

Common question we tend to ask that is wasting our time :

1. Why is this happening to me?

We spend our days, asking questions we cannot answer. Sometimes we can answer it but it's wrong. Maybe you question because you still haven't seen God behind all of those and you'll just thank God of the result.

2. What is the purpose of this?

Romans 8:28
All things work together for good for those who love God and according to his divine purpose.

3. Why is that happening to other people?

Sometimes we even ask for what's happening to the life of other people.

4. What is the meaning of life?

Sometimes we try to find life everywhere when the truth is, it is all in the Bible.

The answer to all these questions is found in God's perspective.

Sometimes we try to do everything just to fix those things but it don't seem to get any better and that's because we lack of Godly perspective. (Proverbs 14:12 GW)

From this day let's desire the right perspective

Let's pray to adapt God's perspective. There's a lot of things we won't suffer from if we learn to use God's perspective. (Psalm 103:7)

God will not withhold anything that we ask him because he is a generous God especially to his children and you are God's children.

When you ask Gods perspective he won't hesitate to give it to you. All you have to do is to ask.

He has shown so many miracles and many people are witnesses.

It's really important to have the right perspective in life. (James 1) Our God is not selfish.

So how will we have God's perspective?

By studying the word.

[Lilim - Victory Worship]

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