Persevere in the face of pressure

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Revelation church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)

Two ways to persevere in the face of pressure :

1. Keep His Word

2. Remain faithful and focus on his faithfulness rather than fear

Jesus described Himself in four ways :

1. He is holy
2. He is true
(authentic )
3. He is sovereign (he is in control)
4. He is omnipotent

-Bordered by three countries
-Nearest to the church of Sardis
-A missionary outpost
-Named after Persian king
-The name means brotherly love
-Friends and vineyards are fertile
-The city was destroyed by a strong earthquake
-The people refused to return in fear of another earthquake
-Small church and population
-Some also believe that they were persecuted
-The church was weak in some aspects but they remained faithful

(Rev. 3:8) You have kept my Word


-endurance focusing on His faithfulness rather than fear 

What does the open door mean
-An open door of blessing

We have to contend Bonanza of God's  (Matthew 24:14)

Open door 

-An opportunity to share the gospel of the kingdom
-Some believe it means a clear entrance into heaven

Jesus has four promises (Rev. 3:12-13) 

1. Pillar in Gods temple
2. Gods name eternal ownership
3. Gods city name eternal citizenship
4. New name the fullness of His character

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