Truth is Eternal

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God doesn't want you to pick and choose the things you want to fully obey. (Psalm 119:4).

To obey God completely we need to understand two truths :

FIRST, God's standard of right and wrong has never changed and it never will. Culture changes, popular opinion changes but truth, does not change. If something was wrong 10000 years ago it's still wrong today if it is right then, it's still right now.

SECOND, God has a bigger perspective than you do. When you try to see from God's perspective, it's like an ant trying to get the human perspective. Sometimes we justify mistakes but to God, mistake is a mistake. His perspective are bigger. We are not capable of seeing like God sees, so we need to trust him. (James 4:11) your job is not to judge what is right and wrong in the Bible, but to obey it.

The oldest temptation of humanity is to doubt God's word (Genesis 3:1). When you are tempted Satan is trying to mess you up in the same way. Sometimes we question the word of God to justify our wrong actions. Just like he did to eve, Satan will temp you to doubt God's word. And doubting God's word will lead us to fall into temptation.

Sometimes we just don't want to obey it even when deep inside we know it is right so we make excuses.

But in doubt let us always remember the two truths and ask for his guidance.

You can be the light in the darkness.

God is my Fortress and I am his Vessel 💚Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang