Are You Wise?

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The worlds standard of wise and smart is having good grades and etc. while the biblical standard of being wise is knowing the word of God and obeying it.

(Matthew 7:24)

📌3 examples of how you can know that you've been effectively putting God's word into practice:

🌸 You'll have a controlled mouth
Every word that comes out of our mouths should be something that the listener can learn from it. (James 1:26)

There are two effects from what comes out of our mouth. It can either build or it can destroy.

Control the words that comes out from your mouth.

🌼 You'll have a caring heart
Especially to the needy. Be merciful, just as you Father in heaven is merciful. (James 1:27)

God is happy when we help others. We will be blessed by helping others.

You can help not just through money but also by sharing God's word to others. Inspiring and caring for them in this trying times.

When we can help others, let us rejoice because that means God is using us as an instrument or medium to help others.

Helping is not only for the rich. It is for everyone who has the heart to do so.

🌸 You'll have a clean mind
(John 13:17) Be at peace by having a clean mind. Our mind is very broad and tricky that's why the enemy keeps on putting bad thing in our mind.

So the Bible says meditate day and night to win life. Let us put in our mind God's word to serve as our guidance.

To be wise and to have the characteristics of a real Christian we must have these traits in us.

To the people who can see that they don't have these traits and wisdom:

To recover we should have realization that we are wrong. Acceptance of our sins is one step to correct it. There's no dead end no matter how bad you've become there's still a chance. God gives us the time to regret and run back to him. Once that happens to us let's not take for granted the chance, let's grab it while we still have our lives here on earth. (John 13:17) Let's apply God word in our life. Once we know the truth let's walk in that path let's not do it tomorrow but right now at this moment.

No person can fail when he/she is with God.

[So Will I - Hillsong UNITED]

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