Real Faith is More Than Just Believing

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29July2020 Wednesday


* Did you know the Devil believes in Jesus?

* So do the demons.

* But you won't find any of them in heaven. Why?

* Because saying you believe in Jesus doesn't mean you have faith in him.

* It also doesn't mean you trust him to fulfill his promises.

* James says faith is more than just intellectual knowledge.

* Faith is something you do.

* It's active, not passive.

* Real faith involves making a commitment to trust in Jesus.

* Now this doesn't mean we can earn our salvation.

* The Bible says, "For it is by grace [we] have been saved, through faith . . . not by works, so that no one can boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV).

* What James is saying is that our belief and commitment to Jesus is reflected in the things we do.

* Our good deeds are evidence of our real and trusting faith.

* Maybe you're struggling to make sense of why your relationship with Jesus doesn't seem to be working.

* Could it be you're not putting your faith into practice?

* The Bible says, "Anyone who doesn't breathe is dead, and faith that doesn't do anything is just as dead!" (James 2:26 CEV).

* The word you see James use over and over is "do."

* His message is very clear: real faith shows up in your lifestyle.

* Your faith should change you and the things you do.

* What can you do today to show others your faith in Jesus?

* How can you serve them, support them, encourage them, and even show them how your faith is changing you?

* There's no better time than right now to take a stand for Jesus Christ and demonstrate your faith.

* As 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, "Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love" (NLT).


Father God, I understand that there's no better time than right now to take a stand for Jesus Christ and demonstrate my faith. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

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