Be Color Blessed, Not Color Blind

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01Aug2020 Saturday


* Some people say, "When I look at people, I don't see their race.

* I don't see their color." There's a word for that: liar!

* Nobody is colorblind when it comes to race.

* And God doesn't want you to be colorblind.

* He wants you to be color blessed.

* God loves color.

* Just take a look outside!

* Everything he makes is in color, like sunsets and flowers.

* Look at all the different people around the world.

* God loves color!

* The way he created you demonstrates this.

* We need to learn to see all people the way God sees them.

* The Bible says, "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looksat the heart" (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV).

* Quite frankly, that's a tall order for most of us.

* It's not natural to look at the inside before the outside.

* We're trained to make snap judgments based on outward appearance.

* Some people you trust just by looking at them, others you don't.

* Books are judged by their covers.

* Homes are judged by their curb appeal.

* People are judged by how they look, dress, and talk.

* So ask God to help you start seeing people the way he sees them.

* Look at their heart, not their skin.

* It's one of the first steps toward overcoming prejudice in your life — and in the world around you.


Father God, help me to start seeing people the way You see them, Look at their heart, not their skin. Thank You, Lord. I am color blessed.

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