Everyone will one day bow before Jesus

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When we follow Jesus what will be our experience when we become followers of Jesus? For sure there will be troubles and it's guaranteed. We will be harassed, persecuted, rejected and ridiculed because of our faith.

To be in a relationship with God is one thing and the troubles that will come as a result of our relationship with God is another thing. Are we ready for that?

But that is not that end of the story, the Bible says that Jesus himself endured the torture of the cross (Hebrews 12:2 NIV). You and me also, we must focus on our future reward.

What we experience today is actually not worth comparing to the glory that we will receive when Jesus is revealed.

The only way to get through on our temporary is by focusing on our future reward. Imagine the scene at the end of history. Everyone who has ever lived will one day kneel before Jesus Christ. Everyone will say Jesus is Lord.

While we wait in his return, we should praise him now and we will do it again when he comes back and when we go to heaven.

On the other hand there are also people who bow down to God and awaits their judgement because while their still here on earth they denied Him all their lives.

Every professor who ridiculed you because of your faith and every friend who tried to convince you to abandon your faith will one day, praise Jesus. (Paul is a great example). Every entertainer who made a mockery of God's name and every politician who opposed His ways will one day, praise Him.

According to the Bible we will be condemned by the words that we said and we will also be justified by the words that came out of our mouths. Our words are powerful so speak life!

Those who stayed in their faith despite facing some sort of negative situation because of their faith will one day receive their reward from God and we are looking forward to that day (Matthew 5:11-12).

Just like those great prophets of old, we will one day experience an eternity with God. Full of unimaginable joy.

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