Be a Faithful Remnant

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The Church in Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)

- Watered by the river full of gold.
- known for its golden sands.
- Impregnable and wealthy but was captured 2 times because lack of watchfulness.


1. Don't let your guard down
   - The people in Sardis were alive and alert but God said they're dead (Revelation 3:1).

When all is well, we should be watchful.

How's your spiritual activity? Is it really okay? True spiritual vitality. (Matthew 24:14) must be manifested. Fulfilling the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

Don't live too Comfortably
(2 Timothy 3:5)

2. Wake Up!
   - Strengthen what remains and is about to die (Revelation 3:23).

Be alert! 🚨 - when it is more involved in management than ministry.
To wake up means to start paying attention - to the need of salvation. To stop being careless and to start taking their spiritual journey seriously, especially this last days.

Is God done in your life? Not yet. Jesus will personally discipline those with unrepentant heart. Wake up! He will come unexpectedly.

3. Remain Faithful (Revelation 3:3-6)
    - Soiled garments speak of contaminated life.
Apostasy - rejection of Christianity.

Jesus encourage those who are remnants. The profession of faith in the mouth is a reflection of the faith in the heart. Promise of eternal security.

We will become an overcomer of the world that's why we must be a faithful remant.

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