Remain Faithful until Christ Returns

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Progressive spiritual growth is not based and measured of an active church but the maturity of the people in that church with God.

(Revelation 2:1-7)

1. Persevere

(Leviticus 11:45)

2. Return to his first love daily
Return to God. Return the feeling you felt when you first met him. When you first encountered him.

3. Be motivated by love
If you're doing it out of motivation you'll get tired and worse be burnt out. Real commitment is not dependent on your comfort. If your motive in going to church is comfort, then your motive is wrong. There should be a conviction when going to church. The wake up call is still ringing. Don't justify your mistakes.

4. Live in his righteousness
Righteousness is right standing with God. When you're busy in the kingdom don't forget the king.

5. No to compromise
Let's not compromise because God is our provider. Follow God's principles and standards.

How zealous you are before be more zealous tomorrow and forever.

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