Faith and Obedience

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Have you ever wonder the connection of faith and obedience? Because when you trust someone, you do what they say.

The promises of God is conditioned on you following the directions he is giving (Deuteronomy 5:33 GW).

Promises of God
▪️ (Proverbs 16:2)
▪️ (Psalm 7:10)
▪️ (Psalm 33:18)
▪️ (Psalm 37:18)
▪️ (1 John 3:22)
▪️ (Proverbs 28:14 GNT)
▪️ (Proverbs 19:16)
▪️ (Psalm 34:9-10)

If you follow God's directions you will be blessed, saved, watched over, taken cared of , given what you ask for and you will be happy. You will live longer and you will lack nothing good.

Obedience is the premise behind all of the promises.

If there is obedience, there is blessing. Because faith and obedience is linked to one another.

God gives you his promises only by grace but you get to enjoy his promises when you follow his instructions. It's about time we enjoy the promises of God despite the situation we have now. And God wants us to enjoy his promises.

Sometimes you understand God's instructions sometimes, you don't. And you need to obey wether you understand of you don't, that is the bottomline. It's not important that we have to understand first before we obey. Sometimes God commands us things that in our human understanding, it doesn't compute.

Some of God's commands might sound confusing (just like Abraham and many of his disciples). But because they have faith in God and obeyed him, they received great blessings and were exalted.

Sometimes God's instructions seems unfair. When a person do evil to you, you do good to them. These things don't always make sense from a human standpoint but the things that don't make sense to us is the things God asks us to do by faith. He wants us to trust him and to obey him anyway.

By doing so our faith and obedience prevails, they linked. What is the result? The promises to unfold right before your naked eye.

[Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin]

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Since it's Father's Day! YEY! Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers out there💚

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