Christ Will Come Again

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Trivia : 26.8% in the Bible is prophesy.

Key passage : Acts 1:8-11

The benefits of studying the prophesy :

1. You have hope and peace in trouble times.
  - Whether we like it or not this world is dying but we will have hope because our hope is Jesus.

2. You are encouraged to meet other believers.
   - it's more enjoyable to be with believers

3. You can have eternal perspective in a short-sighted world.
    - Jesus already assured us, he won the victory. You won't worry. That's the beauty of studying the prophesy.

4. You are emboldened to live a pure life in evil days.
  - No one can make you evil and fool you now that you know the truth.

5. You are motivated to share God's word/ God's good news with others.
  - When you read God's word you'll be wanting to share it to others. You don't want to be saved alone.

Note : it's critical to remember that God did not give us the end time prophesies not to scare us but to prepare us. If you are scared then you are not prepared. God wants us to be prepared. He didn't give it to us to make us anxious but to make us aware.

So the question is, how will Jesus return?

1. This same Jesus.
The same Jesus will return

2. The same way.
He ascend to heaven is bodily form, the same way he will descend in the same bodily form. He ascend visibly. All of them saw Jesus ascending so we are sure that Jesus will descend and all the eyes can see. That's the beauty of his return.

3. He will come with great power and glory (Luke 21:27)
Corona virus we all admit that we were not ready, how much more when God will come? (Isaiah 6:2-3) why did they cover their face and feet? It's because God is so powerful. The seraphim are Holy, they have no sin but still they were ashamed to God how much more us who have sinned a lot. So the question is are we prepared? A loving father will discipline. The Lord will discipline us not because he hates and wants us to suffer but because he loves us.

Lord what should be my respond?
How should we respond? (Luke 19:10-13)
His kingdom will come and bring it to us.

1. Do business
In Greek 'fpragmateo' to be pragmatic means be practical. Do things that is necessary. As a Christian what should be our business? Should it be all about money? Business is being involved of doing something that is necessary.

Preach (Mark 16:15)
So will view corona virus as set back as barriers but as you can see God used this virus to revive souls. That's why let's preach to Gospel in all forms. Do not waste time do business. God gave us technology. The works of the enemy gives us a lot of application to divert us from our business. We have to adjust and discipline ourselves. Many are dying because of lack of hope. A lot of Christians are excited to but what did God said? We must preach the gospel first

Prepare (Matthew 25: 1-13)
Prepare the church. We are not prepared because we are certain. But we prepared because we are not certain of the exact time when he'll come again. Sometimes the word uncertainty will give us the idea to prepare (Micah 4:1-2). You are to comfortable with your life. You are always worrying of what you eat but did you consider those who are dying? They died without receiving the word. So many people ask God where is he in these times. What if God asks us back that where are we in these times? Did we try to help? This is the time to rise and shine not the time to run and hide. God doesn't need those who are forced to help but he seeks the volunteers.

Persevere in times of persecution (Hebrews 10:23-25)
Before the disciple of Jesus are persecuted and tortured badly. But I believe we won't experience those. Ours will be modern persecution. People mock us about God when even they don't really know the answer. Many Christians are persistent Christians but in times of persecution, their faith fades. We need to persevere in times of persecution just like now. That's why you are here reading this because God is faithful. We need each other, we need to be united.

We are one in Christ.

[As You Find Me - Hillsong UNITED]

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