Rejoice because You are Free

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Rejoice because God set us free.
The moment we accept Jesus we crossover from death to life, we are the crossover people.

All of us are in debt to someone. There are people used as instruments to help us where we are right now. Even our safety are not from us but from God. He paid it all for us. When we caused pain to others we are in debt to them. Even when we are debt free in terms of financial but we can be in debt with apology. We owe the biggest debt to God and to God alone that we can never pay.

Paul described the debt like this in (Colossians 2:14)
We owe a debt because we disobeyed God.

God paid all our creditors. Our sins that we cannot afford to pay. God paid it all for us. (Colossians 1:14) His Som paid the price to free us, which means that our sins are forgiven 😌.

Jesus paid off our debt so we no longer have to pay for anything. There are things that we don't deserve but is given to us, that is Grace; underserved favor. Mercy is when we should take the punishment that we deserve but we didn't do because Jesus paid it all his mercy prevails forever.

Our salvation is free (Hebrews 10:18) and when sins have been forgiven, there is not need to offer any more sacrifices.

Jesus Christ paid for every sins we committed, we ever will commit and we will commit.

Tetelestai (it is finished).

[Title of the the song: I am free by newsboys]

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