No Condemnation

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In God there is no condemnation. No matter how bad your past is once we surrender it all to God, there will be no condemnation. That is his promise

Have you ever wondered who put Jesus on the cross?
Some say Judas, Caiaphas, some say Pontius Pilate.

But it wasn't Judas, he was just an instrument of selling God with a worth of 30 silver coins. They were all just instruments for that to be possible.

This may shock you but there are two answers to this question.

since the very beginning this was God's plan. It was the main reason why he came here on earth. It was already predicted how Jesus would die in the Bible hundred of years earlier. God orchestrated that his dear son would suffer and die for all of us.

The other answer would be,

If we have never sinned Jesus wouldn't have to die. So we put Jesus on the cross, I put Jesus on the cross, you put Jesus on the cross. He paid our all our debts. (Romans 4:25)

Because Jesus died on the cross, our sins are forgiven.

All of us are imperfect. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

We have sinned that makes us feel guilty about our past. Of course there are regrets. And our regrets will always be in the last. But God doesn't want us to live in guilt. That's why he died so we don't have to feel condemned of our past mistakes (Ephesians 1:7 CEV❤️)

Condemnation wears us out and rob us from our peace of mind. Guilty feeling and condemnation takes our energy and strength.

Once you regret it, that's it. God has already forgiven you. But sometimes even if God already forgave us we are still condemned because we are the ones who cannot forgive ourselves. We need to understand the main purpose of Jesus why he died for us. He already set us free. (Romans 8:1) So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

God does not judge you for anything you've done wrong. God does not have to condemn you because Jesus already took all of sins.

Once you surrender everything to the Lord. You are fully free. 💕

[The Blessing - Elevation Worship]

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