Real Faith is More than Words

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27 July 2020 Monday


* In the United States, there are many people who say they are Christian.

* In fact, several recent studies reveal about 70% make that claim.

* And, yet, many of these people appear to live according to their own rules, not by trusting in God's Word.

* What they say about their faith and how they choose to live don't line up.

* Real faith is more than just the words they say.

* For instance, I could say I'm the best dancer in the whole world, but that wouldn't make it true, and the moment I started dancing, you'd know it wasn't true.

* Just because you say you have faith doesn't mean it's true.

* This is what James is addressing in today's verse: what's the use in saying you have faith, if it doesn't show up in the way you live and the things you do?

* James isn't saying we are saved by our works.

* The Bible is clear that we are saved by faith in Jesus, nothing more and nothing less. * But our attitudes and actions should be evidence of our faith.

* This is the difference between a fake faith and a real faith.

* In this time of pandemic and upheaval, our faith must be real.

* Our response to these events should come from our faith and not our fears. * This is a time to put our faith into action.

* There are thousands of promises from God in the Bible.

* You need these promises to stay stable and strong right now.

* But to access those promises, you need to fully trust God.

* That's the kind of faith that will lead to answered prayers and a changed life.

* It's a faith that will save you.* So how do you know if you have real faith, one that will stand up to life's biggest pressures?

* Take a look at your actions and see if they back up what you say you believe.

* As you do that, remember the Good News is there is no condemnation in Christ.

* If you think your faith hasn't been real, then tell that to God.

* Tell him you haven't been living according to the things you believe.

* Tell him you want to do that right now, and watch how he begins to transform your life.

PRAYER * Father God, there are thousands of promises from You in the Bible. I need these promises to stay stable and strong right now. But to access those promises, I need to fully trust You. Amen.

God is my Fortress and I am his Vessel 💚Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt