Don't Panic - God is in Control

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There are things the makes us panic when that happens let's go back to the word of God. God is in control of our situation.

Is there someone who asked you to do something that seemed impossible for us? They came to you and wanted you to do something that seemed too big for you.

You may be facing such a request right now and you're wondering how in the world you'll get started.

Let's begin by talking about the title :

▪️Don't Panic
We need to follow Daniel's coping machine, God. (Daniel 2:15-23)

the only solution of the panic of the people is God.

▪️Don't be impulsive
Impulsive - acting or done without forethought. We act immediately without asking God. We suffer the consequences of those actions that we didn't think thoroughly. Your biggest temptation in the midst of crisis is to be impulsive, without gathering all the facts and thinking about the details.

We are typically not thinking rationally. We are thinking emotionally. We want to make a quick decision. God's forte is when we just ask him he will lead us to the answer.

It is more important to make the right decision than fast decision. There is always danger in fast decision. The decision becomes right because there is the element of thinking. A wrong decision is always wrong no matter how quick you've made it.

Relax, calm down, take a deep breath and start praying. Daniel did this when he was called by the King (Daniel 2:16). That's the way it should be, if it's not necessary to rush a decision, take your time. Don't be pressured because we will need time to pray and seeks God's heart. Daniel is a great model of how we should face pressure in our decisions.

Remember it is always a wise decision to give it some time to think and ask the guidance of the Lord.

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