God cares about every detail of Life

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No matter how detailed we are there are still things we don't notice and forget.

There's only one person who knows and really cares about every little details of our life that is God. He cares and knows from the smallest detail to the biggest detail of life.

Even the very strands of our hairs are numbered and God knows that because he is the God of details. He's not only interested in you obeying him but he's also interested of the detail on how you obey him. To obey him in the right reason and intention.

Are you a detailed kind of person? If yes then it's still not as detailed as how God is. (2 Kings 5:10 & 14 NIV)

It's not possible for faith and obedience to be inclined. If there is faith and trust, you will obey. And when you obey God, you are showing that you love him and you have faith in him. When you trust that person you will do whatever they ask mainly because you know that what they want you to do is for your best.

If you love God and trust him. You do things the way he wants them done, you obey him completely. Because we can't see the every detail of our life, only God. From his point of perspective he sees our finish line. Faith is trusting God in the details of life. (Proverbs 3:5 The Message)

Trust God with every little detail of you heart.

From the smallest detail of you body part to the biggest. That's how fearfully and wonderfully God has made you. That's how he gave you much importance in this world. You are worth more that many sparrows.

If you're still a teen God already know you are going to marry & how many children you're gonna have. He knows every detail of you and your future.

I may not know the future and the very details of it but I know who holds it and I trust him. I'll follow him because he knows what's best for me.

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