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➤ ᵈʸˡᵃᶰ ᵇʳᵃᵈʸ ~ ˢᵉᵃᵗᵗˡᵉ 

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➤ ᵈʸˡᵃᶰ ᵇʳᵃᵈʸ ~ ˢᵉᵃᵗᵗˡᵉ 

Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4o-5go4ip5tC6vZvn6oKYaraUJWE5Umc

Louis sighed as he tried to dry his hands and reached into nothing but emptiness.

His helpless gaze looked around as his eyes fell on the glass-inserted door of the girl's restroom.

A girl with short curly brown hair stood there at the paper dispenser and raised an eyebrow when Louis appeared in the door frame with dripping hands.

''I hate to cross the holy threshold of the Girl's restroom...'', he said jokingly. ''Would you be so kind?'' He pointed to the paper in her hand and she handed it to him.

''You're Makayla's Brother, aren't you?'' Her bright smile distracted his gaze and her hazel eyes sparkled with curiosity.

They'd been here for two months, and while Louis had only dealt with a few classmates, Makayla had already got to know half of the school.

Louis nodded, put on a crooked grin, and was about to introduce himself when she stepped past him into the hallway and disappeared toward the school's computer labs without waiting for his answer.

Shaking his head, he turned and looked at the big clock in the hall. There was an hour of Spanish left and two hours of history before they would be released for the weekend; and Louis' sister had, of course, disappeared for the sixth time to 'only go to the restroom'.

Since Louis hadn't found her there, he went to find her again and strolled as slowly as possible, to the lounge where his buddy Marlon was maltreating the kicker with another boy named Finn.

That was a common thing here to skip class from time to time and pass it elsewhere, that was one thing Louis had got to know and love from the start.

Finn was about the same height as Louis, had light brown dreadlocks, and always had a smell of grass on him.

Louis had already noticed Finn's little crush on him since Finn always called him sweetheart.

He had spent every day of school with him so far, which was probably because Finn laughed at his stupid jokes and always had some dope with him.

They liked to smoke a bit especially before their math lessons to make the whole thing more interesting. After school, they usually met up at a friend's house because he lived right next to the school.

''AHA!'' a screech came from the other corner of the room, and Louis winced as his sister bumped happily against his back.

''Makayla, the heights you can reach with your voice are kinda scaring me,'' Marlon said, who screwed up a chance of scoring.

''Nice'', replied the dark-skinned girl with her long braids dryly, her chains jingling loudly and her torn jeans loosely clinking around her small waist.

She loved it when people noticed her. ''TRUTANT!'', she yelled, glaring at her big brother with enthusiastic eyes.

''And you got lost on your way to the toilet, didn't you?'' Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.

''Ohh, I'm sorry but I can't concentrate anymore,'' his sister replied theatrically and rolled her eyes. She loved to be overdramatic.


Together they plumped down on the next best couch and a sigh left Makayla's throat. ''Ugh, I hate school. Why are we doing this again...?''

''Come on, there's no other place where you can make so many social contacts, so don't pretend like you don't like it,'' Louis replied, grinning at his sister crookedly.

''By the way, what's up with that one short girl?''

''Is that supposed to be your description?'' Makayla's eyebrow mocked up.

''Brown curly hair, tanned skin, short...''

''That's like how half of the school looks?!'', Makayla interrupted with a grin.

Louis added annoyed: ''Hazel-eyes, curvy figure, kinda has an attitude...''

''Ahhh, Clementine!!'', the braided girl called. ''Yeah, she's cute but insane.''

Louis looked up questioningly, which prompted Makayla to tell him, - more fully than necessary -, that Clementine grew up in a foster home till she was nine because her parents died in a car crash.

In addition, her best friend had thrown himself in front of a train a few months ago, which is why a dark aura surrounded her ever since.

Makayla was always well-informed about everything and everyone, the more curious the better.

''However, most people avoid making deeper contact with her - because who wants to deal with people who answer the question 'How are you?' with 'Shitty'?'' Said Makayla with a wink.

''After all, everyone has their own problems. And by the way, you have a pimple growing there,'' she finished her monologue: ''Add a dot with a pencil: if anyone asks, tell them your birthmarks change places.''


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