Chapter 2

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Kuro-chan? Are you okay ? »

I blinked, and shook my head. What the hell? I looked at my mother, who was staring at me concerned.

"Ah... yeah... No problem. Just, how many dishes are there?"

She frowned, but counted them nonetheless.

"Ten."She answered,"And yes, you're going to clean all of them. Even if you have your head in the clouds."

I narrowed my eyes, continuing to eat.

Dishes washed: 0/10

How did it get it right? I didn't knew the number of dishes to clean, so those blue boxes didn't get it in my head. And if it's not in my head... And considering I'm the only one who can see them... What the fuck is happening to me? I got a quest? With XP for the completion? This is probably a genjutsu joke. It has to be.

Finally, I finished my plate, sighed, and tapped discretely the YES.

"All right. Let's do this."I said, getting up and approaching the washbowl.

My mom smiled and descended to open the shop, while I began to do my thing.

One dish.

Two dishes.

Three dishes.

Fo... Ping!

A skill has been created through a special act.

Through continuous wash of dishes, a skill "Dish Washing" has been created.

[Dish Washing (passive) Lv1 EXP: 0,00%]

A technique to wash dishes.

With more mastery, you can clean any dirty spots.

5% increase in dish washing speed.

My eye twitched, and I closed the window quickly, returning to my job.

Four dishes.

Five dishes.

Six dis... Ping!

[Dish Washing]'s level has risen by one.

Huh. That was fast.






Okay, done. Now what the hell was that? The more I think about it, the more improbable it seems to get. Who would want to cast a genjutsu on me? Dad was on mission and I'm pretty sure he sucks at genjutsu. And It doesn't help that I could feel my hands cleaning faster when I obtained the skill, and more so when its level had risen...

If this thing was real... then there is probably some kind of interface, to keep track of my skills for example. And conveniently, the moment I wished that, a red window opened in front of me. If it's a genjutsu, then the caster can read my thoughts... I shrugged, and looked at the rectangle. It's probably not a genjutsu. And if it is, I'll play along for now. It can't hurt after all.

Skill window

[Gamer's mind (passive) LvMAX]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.

Allows peaceful state of mind.

Immunity to psychological status effects.

[Gamer's body (passive) LvMAX]

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

After sleep in a bed the user recover all HP, CP and MP.

[Dish Washing (passive) Lv2 EXP: 80%]

A technique to wash dishes.

With more mastery, you can clean any dirty spots.

6% increase in dish washing speed.

Okay... that would explain my state of mind, and why my body feels completely rested even though I slept only a few hours. But, it granted me a body? Did my body changed somehow in a few hours? I can't help but laugh nervously while reading those skill's effects. I'm sure it's not real anyway...

"Kuro-chan! You're going to be late!" Mom shouted from the lower floor.

"I'm going! I'm going..."I answered, as I picked up my things and descended too.

"See ya." I quickly said whilst I passed the door and set out.

As I walked I thought about this weird... ability? Or genjutsu?

Okay, I'm going to assume this is somehow real. So I gain skills when I do things and get quests when I'm asked to do something. What else? Ah, I completely heal when I sleep in a bed. That's pretty broken. And I can see levels above the heads of people.

Most Shameless Scammer of Konoha

Lv4 Choruma Temu

I chuckled quietly when I passed the big guy, who gave me a glare.

War veteran

Lv37 Hiboko Kurokawa

This time, I nodded respectfully to the man who missed an arm, and he returned it to me, a little surprised. Somehow, this is pretty convenient.

What else... Could it be... If this is a Rpg game, do I have a status window? Just as I was asking that to myself, a red box appeared, and I smiled in satisfaction.

Name: Kurota Farazuke
Title: The Gamer
Level: LV1(25%)
HP: 400/400

CP: 900/900
MP: 1000/1000
STR: 5
VIT: 4
DEX: 16

CKR: 9

INT: 10
WIS: 11

Wow, all my stats are numbered? Cool. I pulled a face though when I saw my strength, vitality, and chakra control. I'll have to train, and it figured to me that training seemed a lot more appealing now that I could directly see the effects it has on me. I examined the numbers, let's see... It seems like I gain 100HP max for each point in vitality, same goes for chakra with CKR and mana with INT.

Wait, what? Mana? I can have mana and cast... spells?! What the hell! If mana does exist, how come nobody noticed it? Holy shit... If this thing is a real ability, I'm going to keep it secret for now... I don't want to become target number one of kekkai genkai hunters... If this thing is a kekkai genkai.

Due to your habit of making intelligent decisions, you gained one WIS.

Oh, cool. So I must make valuable decisions to increase WIS. That's... logical, actually. I wonder what I'll need to do to increase the other stats. And if I can gain points by leveling up...


- 1HP

I fell abruptly on ground. That hurts... I just knocked my head with ...

"Bwahahahahaha! That'll teach you not to mock me! Because one day I'll be Hokage! Believe it! " I heard shout, as I wondered why did he assumed that I mocked him.

"Uzumaki..." I groaned, while getting up and...


-2 HP

"Sorry, Kurota-kun. Naruto! Come back here now!"I heard the voice of Iruka-sensei yell at him as he quickly get after him. Ah, so he wasn't talking to me.


Through continuous hurt, a skill "Physical Resistance" has been created.

[Physical Resistance (passive)Lv1 EXP: 0,00%]

The body's durability and toughness increase and you take less damage.

3% decrease in damage from physical attacks.

"Damn it."

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