Chapter 7

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I exercised myself for only one hour, due to my low vitality, so I decided to train my chakra control while I rested. Surprisingly, within 2 hours I was completely fine and no longer tired,(A/N: Jee Han actually only needs 30 minutes of rest, lol) so I decided to do push-ups and sit-ups to test myself. I lasted a little more this time... I deduced that vitality affected stamina too. Again, I only needed a couple hours for my body to rest; it must be [Gamer's Body] at work again. Naturally, I always kept Henge active the most long time possible to build chakra.

In the end of the day, I was quite proud of myself: I managed to get 6 point of VIT, STR, and CKR, 8 of CKRC, and upped my Henge to level 9.


Name: Kurota Farazuke
Title: The Gamer
Level: LV1 (25%)
HP: 1020/1020

MP: 1000/1000
STR: 11
VIT: 12
DEX: 16

CKR: 15

CKRC: 10
INT: 10
WIS: 12

I examined my stats as I was getting home, and noticed something...

My HP max started increasing by 10 instead of 100! Why? Does it consider that I finished my growth or something like that? Ugh... VIT isn't as broken as I thought. As I observed people, I found out that normal people all had 1000 HP on average, the tough one hitting 1500, so I deduced that, indeed, 1000 was the normal amount of HP for adults.

"I'm home..." I mumbled as I opened the entrance.


"So, did you actually trained? How was it?" mom flashed me her habitual smile, as she approached me.

"Kinda boring. Not enough action, just grinding. But it'll change when I'll become a genin, I guess."

"You don't look very tired."She remarked, amused by my answer. "Well, if you have time, can you help with the cloth? Here, do this one, it's the last."

I nodded, grabbed the material and started working, accepting a crafting quest in the process. I help mom sometimes in the tailoring, so I'm already well used to this.


[Tailoring (Passive) Lv37 EXP: 71,57%]

A crafting skill to make clothes. You're able to make or adapt cloth to suit yourself.

Crafted clothes become better as mastery level rises.

[Crafting (Passive) Lv9 EXP: 23,5%]

A skill to make something. Humanity has advanced their civilization through inventing things. Crafted objects become better as mastery level rises.

45 % increase efficiency in crafting type skills

Known crafting skills: Tailoring Lv37

As expected, all RPG worth the name have a crafting system. I grinned as I continued working on the cloth. Level 37 in tailoring, indeed I wasn't a beginner in the area, and I was glad I didn't have to restart at level 1.

It took half an hour to finish making the pants.


Your level has risen by one!

I got up and put it on the table.

"I'll go study now. Tell me when dinner is ready."

"You? Studying?" She repeated, throwing me a mocking glance. "Now I'd like to see that."

"Yeah, well, you'll see. I'll get smart and ace the graduation exam. Just you wait!" I grinned and went to my room.

I studied 4 hours or so, only interrupting to go eat dinner, but even with that much time, my INT only increased by one! This'll be a tough stat to raise... So I decided that I'll put my future points in INT and WIS, since they're the two most difficult and time-consuming to increase.

Due to your habit of making intelligent decisions, you gained one WIS.

I sighed as I got to bed. This had been a long day.

The next day, I decided to seat next to Naruto. He is the only one who don't think I am a nerd. Even though I am.

"Hey, Naruto. Good morning." I greeted as I sat next to him.

"Kurota! Please confirm to this bastard that I have tons of chakra!"

I moved to see the "bastard" at the other sipe of the table: Sasuke.

"Let me see... Ah, yes, your reserve is actually... about 20 times bigger than his." I observed. Literally.

"Hell yeah! Take this, teme!" Naruto shouted in victory, pointing his finger at Sasuke.

"How would you know that?" Sasuke asked me, narrowing his eyes.

I bit my lips, of course he would ask... I really need to raise my intelligence... or is it wisdom in this case?

"Um... It's like... a 6th sense?" I replied carefully.

"WOW! KUROTA CAN SENSE CHAKRA!" Naruto yelled, and I facepalmed, all the class turning to look at me, scepticals.

"Is that true, Kurota-kun? You can sense chakra?" Iruka-sensei asked me, agreeably surprised.

"Kind of. I can just tell the amount of chakra, not his location." I answered. Might as well go along with it, it wasn't that bad an idea.

"Prove it." Sasuke arrogantly required. A bunch of Uchiha Fan-Girls squealed, delighted that their idol spoke while in class, which doesn't happen very often.

"How?" I asked him.

"I can suppress a part of my chakra," Iruka-sensei intervened, "you'll just have to tell me how much I hid."

"Okay..." I said, unsure. I used [Observe] and keep the window opened in front of me, his CP was at 3200/3200 right now.

"Now, how much do you think I suppressed?" He asked.

His CP was at 403/3200 now that he hid it. Interesting how [Observe] worked.

"You divided your chakra by 8." I stated. Iruka-sensei's eyes widened and he confirmed:

"He really can sense chakra, Sasuke."

"See! I have tons of chakra!" Naruto grinned victoriously.

"Hn. Whatever." The Uchiha went back to his 'I'm-Better-Than-You-So-Don't-Talk-To-me' mode and looked away.

"So now that the matter is dealt with, let's start... Today is about different types of weapons..."Iruka-sensei began the lesson.

This time, I listened and took notes, as I needed knowledge to pass the exam. Surprisingly, I gained a point in INT. Maybe it's more effective to learn with a teacher?

After that, we practised Bunshin, and I managed to get Iruka-sensei to teach me Kawarimi as well.

[Kawarimi No Jutsu (Active) LV1 EXP: 0,00% / CP: 100]
One of the three basic Ninjutsu. An incredibly useful defensive jutsu. It grants the ability to change places with objects within a certain size and weight.

Current range : 10m

Casting time : 3 seconds

[Bunshin No Jutsu (Active) LV 1 EXP: 0,00 % / CP : 20 per bunshin]
One of the three basic Ninjutsu. The most basic Clone skill, it creates a number of immaterial clones, the clones are unable to make sound and are destroyed if something pass through them.

Additional 10 CP per minute per bunshin
Casting time: 3 seconds.

We trained nijutsu until midday, and the lesson ended. I returned home to eat lunch, even though I wasn't sure I needed it any more, with the [Gamer's Body].

Again, I trained during the afternoon, but didn't find a way to improve DEX. I was thinking about that when I got back home in the evening and was greeted.

"Hey, Kuro. So, you finally decided to move your ass, huh?"

I turned to find the owner of the voice and found a tall man in chûnin uniform, with spiky black short hair. He had brown eyes and was smoking a cigarette, his hands in his pockets, mocking me with a grin.

"Hey, dad." I smiled back at him.


Lv? Fusoku Farasuke

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