Chapter 5

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You know that he is..."

"A jinchuuriki?" I finished for him. "Yeah. Actually, I found out this morning."

"Who told you?"He asked, a serious expression on his face."This is a S-ranked secret, only the Hokage is allowed to reveal it to someone."

"A secret?" I repeated."S-rank..."Crap. S-ranked secrets are heavily protected, and I could be executed if I answer wrong. Being a teenager won't protect me from that.

"You didn't know? Kurota-kun. Who told you? And did you tell anyone?"

I didn't have time to think, I needed to answer immediately to not raise suspicions....

"No one told me and I didn't tell anybody." I stated, while making up a story in my head.

"Then how did you know?"

Okay, not the time to freak out.

"I just noticed that Naruto was being called names by the villages, and I heard someone calling him a jinchuuriki. So it's not an insult?" I asked innocently.

Iruka-sensei stared at me in the eyes, searching for something. Even with this type of answer, I knew that they'll eventually send someone to interrogate mom. I was freaking worried, one mistake here and I'll be dead by the evening...

"Fine. I trust you." he sighed. Thank god. Or more like thank [Gamer's Mind]. "But you'll have to accompany me to see the Hokage anyway. Right now." Damn. Well, as expected, I can't get away with that.

"Yes, sir."

He smiled at me and began leading the way to the Hokage tower. I followed quietly, wondering what other secrets I'll discover in this village by the end of the day. So basically, I'll have to convince the Hokage that I mean no harm to Naruto and don't intend to reveal his secret to everybody. I never met the Sandaime, but I heard he was kind with children so I should be fine. I hope so.

We entered the building, and went straight to the Hokage's office.


?*?*?*?*?*?*?*? (A/N: for some reason the site don't let me align interrogation points.)

Lv? Hiruzen Sarutobi

Interesting, I can't see his level. It must be too high. I tried to use Observe on him too, but It just opened a window saying:

[Observe]'s level is to low to get the target's information.

"Iruka." The old man greeted, thankful for the interruption of paperwork. "You brought one of your student, I see."

"Hokage-sama." I bowed.

"What is your name, young one?" He asked kindly.

"Kurota, sir." I answered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kurota-kun. So why are you here Iruka?" He returned his eyes to Iruka-sensei.

"Hokage-sama, I came to report that Kurota-kun here discovered the truth about Naruto."

At that, the Sandaime slowly leaned back in his chair, and looked at me, before replying:

"...I see." He took his pipe and began smoking, contemplating me. I supported his glance, waiting. After a few moments, he exhaled a bit of smoke and told to Iruka-sensei:"I'll talk to him. You can leave us."

"Hai, Hokage-sama."

He waited until he was gone, and began:

"So, Kurota-kun. You want to be a ninja?"

"Yes, sir."

"Can you explain me why?"He asked.

"He wants to know what kind of person I am." I guessed. I smiled and answered truthfully:

"It seems cool, and I want to learn new things."

He laughed a little at that, but returned quickly to his serious mode."So, tell me what you think you know about Naruto."

I replied carefully:"Well, at first I thought he was a dumb guy who liked to prank and shouted everywhere he wanted to become Hokage. I thought the village hated him because of his pranks, but this morning, I heard someone calling him a jinchuuriki. So I came to ask Iruka-sensei about it, he told me it was a S-rank secret and asked me to follow him here."

"Did you see who was calling him that?"

"No. I just heard it with other things like 'demon brat' or 'murderer'" I said, remembering a few insults frowned at Naruto.

He frowned a little at that. "Yes, the village is not as understanding as I thought It would be." He sighed. "I might as well explain it to you entirely before you misunderstand. Listen: We told the new generation that the Kyuubi was killed by the Yondaime 12 years ago. That is wrong. You see, Tailed Beasts can't die: if it's destroyed, it'll regenerate and come back to life eventually. So the Yondaime Hokage sealed it inside a baby, sacrificing himself in the process. He wanted the child to be treated like a hero for keeping the fox inside him, but the village hated him like they hated the Kyuubi. This child was Naruto." He finished and observed my reaction. Unfortunately, I forgot to make up one since I already knew most of it.

"I see..."I mused, understanding.

"You're not surprised?"He raised an eyebrow.

"I already suspected something like that: his birthday, the whisker marks, the way people treat him." It was kind of true. I always found weird how everyone was like: 'don't talk to him!';'don't look at him!'. Even my parents...

"You seem like a smart boy, Kurota-kun. I suppose I don't need to tell you he's not the Kyuubi?" He asked, for the sake of it, smiling at me.

I grinned.

"No, I think I know the difference, sir."

"Good. Don't tell anyone about this, not even Naruto."

I blinked, surprised.

"He doesn't know? Why? He'll have to learn about it eventually!"

"He's not ready yet. I intend to tell him well he'll be older." He was staring hard at me. There was no place for discussion here.

"You can leave now."He sighed, and added: "Why don't you try to befriend Naruto? I think you two could use a friend."

'He know me.' I thought as I protested: "If I lie to him how can I possibly be his friend?"

"You won't lie to him, you'll simply keep the truth for yourself. Besides, it's because you know the whole truth that I asked you that. There's a chance that others will end up hating him because of the Kyuubi but now that I'm sure you know the difference, like you said..."

I laughed nervously, interrupting him. "Haha, I don't know about that sir, I'm kind of socially awkward right now..."

"Yet another reason to befriend him. He'll open you a bit more to others, and you'll keep him in line."He advised kindly.

"I'll think about it." I conceded as I get up." Thanks for explaining this to me."

"You're welcome, Kurota-kun. Good luck for your graduation exam in two weeks."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

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