Chapter 15

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Kurota-kun... Kurota-kun! Wake up! What happened to you?"

Someone was gently shaking me... The voice was Kurenai-sensei's...

In a flash, I remember what had happened. I had gained a skill called [World's True Vision] when I reached 50 in WIS... and my eyes had started to hurt like hell.... Then I lost sight and passed out.

"Urgh... How long was I asleep?" I asked, not daring to open my eyes.

"No longer than a few minutes." the voice responded. "What happened to you?"

"That's what I want to know..." I sighed and got up.

"Uh... Kuro?" that was Kiba's voice now. He seemed perplex.


"Why do you keep your eyes closed?"

"Uhh... I don't know."

"Then... open them?" Kurenai-sensei suggested.


I slowly opened my eyes, and examined my surroundings. Nothing changed, except I was able to notice details I shouldn't have seen. Like, this bug that was flying in a dark corner. Or this spider hidden in the shadow of a stack of books. I was also able to read a book that was opened at the other side of the room.

Kurenai-sensei was staring worriedly at me, Kiba and Hinata-chan behind her. There was also Hioshi, along with the other monk.

I blinked a few times, to get used to this new vision. Awesome... It's as if I never saw the real world before. I saw everything! I didn't even need to focus on something in particular to notice things. And... I think I can see in the dark too.

I read the blue rectangle in front of me.

[World's True Vision (Passive & Active) LV1 EXP:0,00% MP: 3000 per minute]

Your eyes have adapted to be able to comprehend the true world.

Passive: You see things more precisely and accurately, this effects increases with skill level.

Active: You're able to see more things, that are usually not visible to normal eyes. You see more new things as the skill level increases.

Holy shit... My first MP skill! This is pretty expensive though. So, this was my vision when my eyes weren't activated... What would it be once I switch them on?

"Kurota-kun! Are you okay?" Kurenai-sensei called, looking in my eyes. Did my eyes change or something?

"I ... think I'm alright. Probably."

"Is that so..." Kurenai narrowed her eyes at me. Of course, she suspects something. I'll come up with a good story later.

Suddenly, a scream of pain reached us, from the 1st floor. The 2 monks paled, and they ran downside in a hurry. We followed them in the room, and we found a man screaming in pain on a bed, convulsing.

"The medicine is acting!" Hioshi said anxiously staring at the man. "Now it's up to him to find the strength to survive."

"Is there no way to help him?" I demanded.

"We can only wait. It can take days before he dies, but he can also survive."

My team and I stared at the man who was screaming, helpless. The monks sat down, and began meditating, accepting the fate of their companion, whatever it was.

"Well, since we accomplished our mission, we shall go back to the village now." Kurenai told to the monks, who nodded in acceptance.

"Come on, let's go." She called us, but I didn't move.

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