Chapter 17

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"So let me get this straight: you unlocked an unknown Dojutsu that makes you able to see in the dark, to not be dazzled, to see heat and colours that are not normally visible, and through thin matter? And it is still developing?"

"I know how it sounds, but..." I sighed when I heard my father summarize what I told him.

"I'll take you to the Hokage." He declared, and my mother stopped tearing my father's book apart.

"Do you really think that's necessary? That's Kuro-chan, and you know it."mom pleaded.

"I have to." Dad affirmed, and I nodded in acceptance. If he took me to the Hokage, I could see a way out of this...

My father shunshined with me and appeared on the hokage tower's roof. He carried me to the hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama. I have urgent matters." He managed to bow respectively while still restraining me.

"Fusoku. What happened for you to treat your son like that?" the sandaime asked.

"I believe he's not who he pretends to be. He's eyes colour changed and his beahaviour was suspicious."

The Hokage narrowed his eyes at me. "Well... Do you have something to say to your defense before we go to Inoichi to see if you're yourself?"

I didn't know who was that Inoichi, but I'm not going to the T&I department.

"Yes, actually. Would you put me down please?" I requested to my dad, and he put me down with the authorisation of the Hokage.

"I am the successor of Hioshi Piceyang, and that makes me the heir of the Mind's Power cult." I said casually.

The hokage widened his eyes, and my father said:

"Ha! I knew you weren't my son! What did you do to him?"

"Calm down, Fusoku."the old man turned to me. "If what you said is true, then demonstrate one of his techniques without using chakra."

I frowned. I didn't knew any of his techniques. And I can't throw a mana bolt in the hokage's office... What to do...

"I don't know of his techniques, but I can surely do things without chakra." I said, gaining time.

"Then do it." The hokage ordered.

"... I can change eye colour!" I proclaimed, and I turned my eyes on and off, repeating the process a few times.

The hokage raised his eyebrows. "I don't sense genjutsu... Strange..."

"That's because I use my mind to do it." I explained.

"I see... I'm sorry Kurota-kun, but I'll need more solid proof that you are the real one."

"Wait! It's a dojutsu that allows me to see through thin matter using my mind! I couldn't possibly use a dojutsu without chakra, right?"

"We're going to need a chakra sensor to verify that..." My father mumbled.

The sandaime called a chakra sensor, and within 3 minutes a ninja appeared.

"Hokage-sama." He bowed.

"Please tell me if he uses chakra, especially in his eyes." He ordered, and turned to me. "So, what is in my pocket?"

I looked with my True Vision, and widened my eyes. Seriously...

"You have a book named 'Icha-Icha paradise'..." I said depressingly.

The old man had the decency to blush.

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