Chapter 20

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Orochimaru is participating the chunin exams? With three of his followers? Which are from Oto... Is he the founder of the village?

I crossed his glance, and quickly looked away... This... I must tell somebody. I waited a little bit, and I slowly walked out of the room. When I got out, I found Kakashi talking to team 7.

"... are my proud team. Now go!" I heard him say.

"Kakashi!" I called him, and he turned to me. "I... I must talk to you. This is important."

"Whatever it is, you can say it in front of my team. Talk." He replied.

I sighed, and closed the door.

"I believe Orochimaru is attempting the exam." I declared. "He's disguised as a grass genin."

Kakashi's eyes widened, along with Sakura's.

"Are you sure?" He finally asked.

"100% sure." I stated.

"Come with me. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura, you come too."

"What? The meeting begins in 10 minutes!" Sakura protested.

"If what Kurota-kun said is true, then the meeting will be canceled." He began to walk, leading the way to a room with high chakra presences.

"Kakashi? Why are those genins here?" Asuma asked when we entered.

"Kurota-kun will tell you." He said simply. Kurenai-sensei looked at me with a questioning glance.

"Orochimaru is attempting the exam disguised as a grass genin." I repeated, and everybody gasped.

"How do you know that?" sensei asked.

"I'm a chakra sensor... plus, I didn't tell you but I have a special dôjutsu unique to me." Kurenai had a surprised expression on her face now. "The hokage or my dad will confirm you that."

Sakura gasped, Naruto frowned and Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me.

"Who is it?" Maito Gai asked.

"A woman with long black hair from grass... with a huge hat." I described, remembering him.

"I'll go inform the hokage. Stay here." Kakashi shunshined away. Soon, every jonin had shunshined away to take action.

"So... You have a unique Dôjutsu?" Sasuke questioned while we were waiting.

"Yeah." I looked at him in the eyes ans activated my [World's True Vision].

He frowned. "What does it do?" He interrogated.

"Pretty cool stuff."

Kakashi reappeared, and told us:

"They say it's too dangerous for the genins to intervene right now, so they will wait till the second part of the exam begins. That way, we can maybe understand what he wants." He summarized to us.

"Great. Oh, I forgot to say, but the Oto-nins are all working for Orochimaru." I said.

"I see... Do your best to keep your distances from them all. We will deal with him once the second part begins... Do not tell this to anybody."

"Yes!" We responded, and quickly came back to the classroom, just before there was an explosion of smoke on the platform and the examiners appeared.


Lv? Ibiki Morino

"Thanks for waiting... I am Ibiki Morino, the examiner for the chunin selection exam's first test."

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