Chapter 28

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"All right! I get to demonstrate my skills a second time!"

Lee was already down the hall, and was enthusiastically waiting for me.

"Dammit." I groaned.

"Genjutsu should be effective against him." Kurenai-sensei advised. "Don't worry, if you do your best you can beat him."

I nodded quietly and jumped in the hall.

"We'll finally see if you can back up your words!" Lee grinned to me.

"Yeah. Let's give the crowd a good fight." I smiled weakly.

Yes, weakly. I wanted him to think I was just a weak boaster like Ino so I could surprise him.


I did a rapid hand seal and tried to look at him in the eyes, but he avoided my glance. Of course, his sensei should have probably taught him how to fight Dôjutsu like sharingans, since Gai is the "eternal rival" of Kakashi.

After making sure he wasn't meeting my eyes, Lee charged me. Although he was wearing again his weights, he was still moving at a good speed, but... not as fast as me.

When he got near me, he attempted a kick first, and I easily dodged. He was going to attack me again, but I made my move first. Using my [Chakra Body Enhancement] in my right arm, I punched him violently on the jaw with all my strength, and he was sent flying several meters away, but he still managed to land on his feet.

He briefly looked at his sensei to get his agreement, most likely to take off his weights once more. I didn't wait to see Gai's answer, and I was already on him.

"Don't look away." I advised, and I once again threw a chakra enhanced fist as its head. Truthfully, it takes a lot of concentration and control to be able to enhance my strength just for a single punch like that each time I stroke, and I doubted I could keep it up if it went to a pure taijutsu fight.

Again, he was sent flying away, and I ran after him. This time he managed to get ready, and he countered me with a kick.

His foot passed near me harmlessly, missing me by an inch. Smirking, I kicked his side and he crashed on the ground.

This was the result of my genjutsu. The moment I touched his head with my punch previously, I had performed a simple genjutsu on him to make him misjudge the distances and the location of me, putting to good use the hand seal that I had done before. I was quite proud of myself, as it's quite difficult to use illusions like this on such a brief contact like a punch, and even more so when your fist is chakra enhanced.

I was going to strike again but Lee performed his favourite move again, the leaf whirlwind. I dodged most of the kicks, but the last one landed painfully on my chest and made me take a step back.

"You're better than I thought!" the green genin praised. "But... you took me by surprise! It won't happen again." He added, and started to take off his weights.

I rushed at him as fast as possible to stop him, but it was too late already as he threw his weights at me. I dodged, and retreated, thinking hard for a solution.

"I'll start get serious now!" He grinned, and he disappeared. I immediately jumped back as fast as possible, and somehow I managed to parry his first hook, but after that he moved at an astonishing speed to get behind me and throw a powerful kick in my back.

I was sent flying away, and I rolled on the ground. As Lee waited for me to get up, I gritted my teeth and did a few hand seals.

"Then I'll start getting serious too." I grinned, and blue chakra began to glow from my arms and legs.

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