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"Are we having separate godparents?" Vanessa asked Mark as they ate dinner while talking about the babies.

"I mean we don't want them to be separated if we both die." He thinks out loud and Vanessa nods slowly.

"Surely we could do different godparents but just make it so Derek and Meredith get them if we die." She suggests and Mark nods his head in agreement before stopping.

"Derek and Meredith?" Mark asked incredulously, raising his eyebrows at her as he took a bite of his food.

"Yeah? Why, did you think someone else?" She wondered, tilting her head to the side.

"I was thinking Owen and Cristina. He's your brother and she's one of your best friends." Mark offered and Vanessa considered it for a second before shaking her head.

"Cristina hates children." She says and Mark nods slowly, thinking about their options.

"Derek and Meredith are gonna have kids of their own, I don't want them to have to deal with the twins as well." He explains and Vanessa nods her head in understanding. 

"What about..." Vanessa trails off, not being able to come up with an answer.

"Does Jake have a girlfriend?" Mark asks suddenly and Vanessa laughs lightly, shaking her head.

"Jake's gay." 

"Oh." Mark laughs, "Why didn't you tell me that a couple of weeks ago when I thought you wanted to be with him?"

"I don't know." Vanessa shrugs, still laughing.

"Does he have a boyfriend then?" Mark corrects himself, taking another bite out of his dinner.

"No, he moved here to get away from a crazy ex." She informed and Mark nodded his head slowly.

"Is he going back into the army?" He asked and Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows, confused as to why he was asking all these questions so suddenly.

"I don't think so... he never really enjoyed it as much as he did other stuff." 

"How about we give them to Jake. If we both die." Mark proposed and Vanessa smiled, thinking about how great Jake would be with the children.

"Well I was gonna suggest he was godfather of one of the babies." She admitted and Mark nodded.

"He still can be." He took another bite of his food and Vanessa looked at him lovingly. He had really progressed with Jake. Going from hating his guts, to thinking he was okay, to suggesting they give him custody of their children if they both died.

"Great." She smiled, "You get a godfather now." She adds and Mark laughs, stroking his chin jokingly as if he were thinking about it.

"Um alright. Well I'm kind of torn, between three people." He admits and Vanessa raised her eyebrows, confused. She thought that if Mark were going to have a problem it would be that no-one was good enough.


"Well. Okay. So Owen because he's your brother and he would be a good godparent I think." He started.

"Well you don't have to choose him just because he's my brother. He can be the weird uncle." She says and he laughs lightly, nodding his head.

"Okay. Avery because he's one of your best friends and he's part of the Plastics Posse." 

"Fair enough. He wouldn't be a terrible godparent. Who's the third?"

"Derek. He's my oldest friend but-"

"It's gotta be Derek, surely." She interrupted him and he raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry, it's ultimately your choice obviously," She assures him and he smiles, "But he's literally almost your brother - he should be the godfather."

"Yeah, I agree." Mark nods his head, grabbing both of the empty plates and putting them in the sink before walking back to the table and sitting down across from Vanessa again.

"Alright so we've got godfathers. What about godmothers?" Vanessa asked and Mark sighed.

"I was thinking Callie." He says and Vanessa instantly agrees. Her and Callie had gotten closer due to Mark - they ate dinner together a lot because they lived opposite each-other. The only other people that Vanessa could think of to be godmother were Cristina and Arizona - two of her closest girl-friends.

"I'm thinking either Arizona or Cristina. But I'm guessing Cristina will be the godmother of all of Mer's children so she doesn't need anymore," Vanessa rambles before taking a deep breath and looking back up at Mark, "So Arizona?" 

"Yeah, I'm cool with that." He nods, smiling at her and holding her hands on the table. They were both so excited to start a family together.


"You are not going into surgery. Any surgery. You stay in the E.R or the clinic." Owen orders Vanessa as he sees her walk through the hospital doors. 

"Ugh, fine." She groans and walks to the E.R, ready to treat whatever patients she needed to. 

"Hi, my name is Dr Hunt. Can you tell me what's wrong?" She asked a child as she opened the curtain surrounding him.

"I have a piece of glass in my leg. It really hurts." The boy explained and Vanessa looked to the side of his bed to see his mother on the phone, not paying any attention to her son.

"Okay, we're gonna get this right out alright?" She assured him. 

She cleaned up the blood on his leg and carefully pulled the glass out. She cleaned the wound and stitched it up. She was talking to the boy, Jacob, for the whole time - making sure he was okay.

"Okay, you can go n-" Vanessa was interrupted by her pager beeping. She looked down at it, confused as Owen had told everyone they weren't to page her.

Owen believed she wasn't supposed to be working but since she insisted, she was forced to stay down in the E.R - doing all the work no-one else wanted to do.

"Lockdown?" She said to herself before turning to the boys mother who was finally off of the phone.

"I'm sorry, we've just been put on lockdown so can't leave until it's lifted." She explained and the mother sighed, sitting down on the chair and completely ignoring Vanessa as she explained further.

"I'm going to check what's going on, just stay here, make yourself comfortable and the nurses are here if you need anything." She walked away from the patient, throwing the curtain back around the bed and leaving the E.R in search of anyone who could tell her what was going on.

"Vanessa?" She heard and she turned around to see Mark there.

"Mark, what's going on?" She asked, walking over to him.

"I don't kn-" 

He was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot and a body hitting the floor. Mark pulled the two of them behind the nurses desk and covered her mouth as Vanessa started to hyperventilate. There was a shooter in the hospital.


A/N: i figured i should rip the bandaid and do this episode loll - it's rlly short but the next one will b pretty long i think idrk 

thanks for reading  :)

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