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"Alright, see you when you come back - you're gonna do great." Vanessa hugged Alex before he got on the bus and Jackson stopped in front of her.

"Repeat after me," She ordered and Jackson nodded, "I can do this."

"I can do this."

"I will do this."

"I will do this."

"I will also give Vanessa the money that Mark handed me."

"I will also give Vaness- what?" 

"Give it." She held her hand out and Jackson placed the money in her hand. Vanessa smiled up at him and kissed his cheek.

"You'll smash it - don't let anything stop you, no distractions." She instructed and Jackson nodded, hugging her tightly before stepping on the bus. April walked in front of her, crying and sniffling.

"Stop." Vanessa ordered and April tried, wiping her eyes as Vanessa placed her hands on April's shoulders.

"Repeat after me, I am a soldier."

"I-I am a s-s-soldier." April wept and Vanessa shook her slightly, trying to snap her out of the crying trance.

"I am a soldier." Vanessa repeated, her voice steady.

"I am a s-soldier!" April screamed and Vanessa smiled.

"Get on the bus." April ran up the stairs and Vanessa heard her start crying again and she sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head as Cristina stationed herself in front of her.

"Good luck - if anyone's gonna pass, it's you." Vanessa patted Cristina and Cristina just nodded, knowing she was telling the truth.

"Go smash it, Yang." Vanessa smiled and Cristina smiled back as she got on the bus, ready to ace her boards. Vanessa sighed and stood back, she had spoken to Meredith, Alex, Jackson, April and Cristina and she liked to think that she gave them some confidence to take with them into the boards.

She watched as the bus drove away with her friends in it and she whispered a silent prayer that they would all succeed. She felt an arm around her shoulder and looked up at Mark who looked down at her as they began to walk back inside, ready for their day of work.


I'm on my way back


What?! You are not! Get back in that hotel, buddy

I need to be there


If I see you at this hospital I'm going to hand your ass to you - pregnant or not

I'll just avoid you then :)


You can run but you can't hide


I have a problem


You and me both - did Alex actually leave?

Yeah - I have a problem that I need your help on


Why me? ~ mark sloanWhere stories live. Discover now