Chapter 5

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Iris turns her little head towards her mother, she released the ball in her hand, and put both of her hands towards Elisa, she opens & closes her hands, while saying "ma-----ma". Her gestures not only shocked Elisa but also the maids who were working there at that time as their princess said her first word.

Other than them Albert is also shocked as he has come to check his daughter while just enters into the room.

He said while rushing closer to the pair of mother and daughter "Iris, my dear princess, this is not fair that you called for your mommy but not daddy" he made an expression which makes other think that he has been wronged.

All the servents presented in the room bow down and simultaneously said: "Glory and blessings falls upon the Kingdom of Siberia."

When iris saw her father beside her, making a funny face at her, she giggled again.

The maids in the room trying hard to suppress their laughter while there's someone who didn't even tried and the person is precisely the queen.

She said "Oh my, My king are you jealous..." while wiping her tears which leaks out from the corner of her eyes from laughing so much, she said it not as a question but more like a fact.

"hmp whose jealous!" he said and crosses his arms before his chest just like a unsatisfied and angry little kid, but after a moment of silence both the king and queen burst into laughter.

"ok you are not jealous, now go and get ready as well, I'll get her ready," Elisa says while pushing Albert out of the room. If someone not familiar to them saw them they would definitely say that the queen is lacking in etiquettes but in all honesty its not about etiquettes, it's about the mutual love between them.

When Albert leaves she turns to her daughter again and takes her in her arms, then orders the maids that come inside after the king left "give me the dress which I chose earlier for my princess".

The maid nodded then give a low bow before taking her leave to fetch the dress. She comes again after some time with a huge box in her hand.

The box has the dress and something that a princess always needs to have.

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