chapter 29

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Just a week before the coming of age ceremony.

Iris got an letter addressed from Carlos, it was written a week before which stated:

"Princess Iris,

I know I've promised you that I'll be escorting you at your coming of age night, I know that I also promised to come early to help you practice the dance but I deeply apologize little Iris, there's a emergency occured here.

I have to delay my travel because of it, It might be that I won't be able to attend the ceremony on time. I'm really truly sad that I'm missing such an important day, I also don't want to be absent at such a special day of yours. please forgive your best friend....


Iris chuckled softly, she understands that there might be a some important situation or emergency, is the only thing which can stop Carlos from coming to Siberia, otherwise Carlos would have never miss her coming of age.

She isn't angry at all, she might behave like a little kid around him sometimes, to her, he's like a big brother who will definitely spoil her for eternity but she's still a mature person.

She didn't write a replay as she know that it won't able to get on time, and Carlos would possibly leave for Siberia before the letter could reach him.

And there's no mage in Siberia for now....

Now, she have a problem 'who will escort me, should I ask father to escort me..... but how could a Queen(Elizabeth) won't be escorted by her king.... what should I do?'

Sitting on her desk while dazed in her thoughts, so much that she didn't even notice Albert coming inside her study and sat right in front of her. Albert stare at her for a while, seeing that his daughter have still not noticed him, he decides to announce his presence.

"Iris", Iris got startled by the sudden call, she lifted her head to see her father staring at her with a amused smile 'ah, when did father came?'

"Is there any problem you have, Princess?" Albert asked in his usual gentle voice, Iris again got shocked as to how her father always find out that she's having some trouble. She give her father a faint smile and said "Carlos would not be able to attend the ceremony",

Albert thought for a while before answering "I know, he wrote a letter to me as well. Are you bothered by that princess? no right. So tell father what's troubling you".

Iris look at her father with a small smile said "father, Carlos should have been my escort for the ceremony but now....."

Albert chuckle at his daughter 'ah (Exclamation), my princess is just like her mother, love to take tension about such small things' seeing Albert laughing at this, Iris got a puzzled expression on her face.

Albert said "Aiya! princess, its such a small problem. This is your coming of age party, you can come without a escort or you could enter together with me and your mother"

Iris thought for a while before said "I'll be with father and mother "

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