Chapter 14

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Albert and his family decided to head to the central palace again. they soon reach their destination and head inside. Inside the palace, Christopher is calm as he knows that nothing bad will happen but Eliana-Christopher's wife and queen of central Kingdom is worried for her sister like best friend and her little niece.

Just when Chris going to say something to make her calm, the guard announces the arrival of the Albon family. Christopher and Eliana get up from their thrones and went out to greet Albert and Elisa.

Eliana was the first to greet"welcome brother-in-law and sister Elisa. Sorry for not able to meet before"

Albert nodded as the gesture, and Elisa replied "thank you Eliana, and no problem we'll still be able to met aren't we"

Both sisters start talking to each other forgetting their husbands, at this both the husbands shook their heads and sigh simultaneously.

While both the sister pair went to the garden to chat, both husband's along with Iris in Albert's arm headed towards study.

When Albert about to sit on the couch with Iris still in his arms, Chris said "brother let Iris play with Carlos, he is in his room and I have already prepared a cradle for my niece there"

Albert nodded in acknowledgment and Chris already called a maid to take Iris to Carlos's room, the maid bowed then take Iris from Albert then again bowed and left the room.

The maid does as she was told she takes Iris to Carlos room where, Carlos is playing with his puzzle block the maid said "your highness, your father has instructed me to tell his Highness to take care of princess Iris and play with her, I'll put her inside the cradle his Highness can play with her" she put iris inside the cradle.

Then he said "did you need anything else prince", Carlos shook his head and the maid said "then I'll take my leave if his highness needs anything, he can tell me" the maid bowed and then leave both kids inside the room after Carlos nods in acknowledgment.

Carlos is the only son of Christopher and Eliana as well as the only heir of the central Kingdom. As he is a crown prince, from his current age, his training has started so he is more behaved than most of the kids his age but he is still a kid. The curiosity of kids always wins.

He comes forward to the cradle and looks inside, where the baby is sleeping. He took his hand forward and touch her soft small hands which were slightly open but when he put his little finger in her slightly open palm, she grabs it tightly. 

Carlos gives a smile and tries not to move too much as to not wake her up but Iris still wakes up and started crying. Carlos panicked a little but think of moving the cradle with his free hand and he was right she stopped crying but start playing with his finger in her hand which is tickling him now.

He said in his childlike voice which has a hint of a melodious voice "hey, stop! you are tickling me. Hahaha". Laughter filled the room. Iris stares at Carlos curiously and tilted her head a little like she didn't understand what he said.

Carlos took out his figure from her strong grip, he wonders how could such a small baby have so much strength.

Iris looks happy by playing with him. She looked around like she was searching for something, Carlos thinks for a bit then call the maid who is just outside the door. The maid comes inside then bowed her head to the prince. Carlos said, "prepare a bottle of milk".

The maid look confused about the order, she thought 'did the prince said bottle of milk but he stopped drinking milk from a bottle'. Carlos saw the maid's expression and understand what she is thinking.

He said, "*cough* prepare the milk for the princess" while pointing towards the cradle where Iris is playing with his toys. The maid takes the hint and leaves in a hurry to prepare the milk in embarrassment.

After she leaves he thought 'literally what had happened to these people's mind to think I'll be drinking the milk from a bottle, I'm already a big boy and three-year-old at that' then sigh.

*E/N: aweeeeeeeee its cute ok, he's literally cute. oh, another thing. I think that might be important so, it's in authors thought "Carlo might not be the main lead but he still is a very special character in this novel". and I'm sad he's not the male lead T_T 

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