Chapter 3

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When Ben returned home, Miranda was waiting for him impatiently to see the reaction to the news that they would have a baby! Ben was in seventh heaven for the news and they couldn't wait to share the news with everyone. They started by saying it first to their son Tuck who was very happy with it, Miranda said it to his colleagues in the hospital and Ben said it to his companions of the 19th.

5 months had passed..

Over the months the secret relationship between Andy and Sullivan was going well. The two saw each other secretly at Sullivan's house before the shift, Andy with the excuse of going for a run in the park went to him and spent time together. When they were at work it was difficult between the two, but they managed to stealthily exchange glances from lovers. Sometimes they dined together when they were in the barracks in the Captain's office, with the excuse that the two were friends, they had no suspicion of their relationship, except Maya and Vic. Both for a few months had seen their friend always very happy, when she came out of Sullivan's office they had seen her serene, they hadn't seen her like this for a long time. But one day something changed, Sullivan had become detached, it was no longer the same as before.

While Sullivan was training with Ben, the others were in the kitchen holding a surprise party for the future birth because they had just found out it was going to be a girl.

A few days before the party..

Sullivan one morning received a call from Chief Dixon who left him perplexed and didn't know what to do. Dixon was about to appoint him Battalion Chief and would have named Andrea Herrera Captain of the 19. However, Sullivan knew that if he and Andy continued to be together and if someone had found out both of them not only did they lose their grades, but they risked the job, that job that both they loved that job that brought them together. He had detached himself from that call, he knew he had disappointed her in some way by not giving her explanations, but in his opinion it was the best choice to make. Slow down their relationship.

Let's go back to the party ..

Once Miranda arrived at the barracks, Sullivan took the future parents to the kitchen where they were all waiting for them waiting to celebrate. The room was covered with pink balloons, food of all kinds and any kind of gift for the future child. The party was going very well, everyone was so happy until a call came. The call was for ambulance 19 and on duty that day was Captain Sullivan and Lieutenant Herrera. Hearing the alarm, they both ran by ambulance and left while the others continued to celebrate.

At the end of the call Andy, fed up with Sullivan's behavior, tries to talk to him asking for explanations.

A: "Robert, what happens? Why aren't you the one before? Have I done something wrong?"

S: "No Andy, everything is ok. I'm sorry, but we can't continue".

A: "What's going on? Please tell me, I can't stand this situation anymore".

S: "It is that ... It is difficult to say, I am sorry for all this".

A: "Talk to me, I want to know everything".

S: "Ok". He rested resignedly and with a sad face. "A few days ago Chief Dixon called me, they want to promote me to Battalion Chief and you would become Captain of the 19th, but there is a problem". It saddens even more and then continues. "We are the problem. Me and you. Our relationship. If we were discovered it would be the end for both of us, we can no longer continue".

Upset, Andy was unable to respond to what she had just heard. He returned to driving the ambulance and remained silent until he arrived at the barracks. When they got there, he ran down, printed a very forced smile on his face and went back to the kitchen with all the others. Maya and Vic saw her so they understood that something had happened, but they left her friend calm, they knew she was not ready to talk about it. Sullivan, seeing Andy's behavior, went to his office when they arrived and stayed there until the end of the shift without even going out to eat. At the end of the shift, everyone went home. Andy and Sullivan, each in their own bed, could not sleep, they continued to think about each other.

After thinking about it all night, Andy decided to send a message to his Captain asking about the days because he was not well. He, understanding the situation, agreed.

When Sullivan went to the barracks for the shift the next day, he didn't feel the same, he was missing something, he was missing her. With the others he had returned to being the grumpy Captain, he carried out inspections every 2 hours and every day he had the whole barracks cleaned thoroughly. The boys understood that something was wrong, Maya and Vic probably understood, but Travis, Jack, Dean and Ben did not understand.

Maya and Vic had to do something, their friend couldn't keep pretending to be sick, the captain couldn't treat the team like that. They then decided to stay at the reception, which was located just a few meters from Sullivan's office, and called Andy asking if she was better. Closing the Mayan call, loudly, she told Vic that Andy was still sick. Sullivan heard it all and was worried. Shortly after Maya heard her name scream from Sullivan, she wanted it in her office immediately. When he entered he told her that the following shift she would take her place because he had a personal matter. On leaving the Maya office he was happy, he knew what he had to do.

The next morning Sullivan showed up at Andy's house and when he saw her in that condition he worried ..

Continues in the next chapter..

This is not my native language, sorry if there are mistake

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