Chapter 12

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They arrived early on the call site. Once they got off they saw the fire and black smoke comes out of the windows on the top floor of the building. Captain Herrera divides his team in two, one team must finish the evacuation, while the other has to deal with the smoke and flames while she is outside coordinating everyone. The call went well, they put out the flames and went back to the barracks.

Once they arrived, before arranging the used equipment, they went to take a shower, all being able to smoke. Sullivan saw them coming and went downstairs.

S: "Herrera I expect the call report as soon as possible on my desk".

A: "Yes sir"

She went to her office, she also needed a shower, but was followed by someone. They locked the door, lowered the curtains, and Sullivan asked: "How did your first captain job go?"

A: "Very well, it was almost exciting to be in charge" she said as he unbuttoned his shirt and then headed for the shower.

Sullivan took her by the arm and pulled her to him and kissed her and then said "Almost as exciting as this?"

A: "The call was more than that!"

S: "Ah yes? We will see this.."

As they were about to shut themselves inside Andy's room, someone knocked on the door. It was Vic.

A: "Come on" he said as he closed the door behind him where Sullivan was.

V: "Andy I wanted to tell you that.. disturb by chance?" he said pointing to the door.

A: "No no I was just going to get changed. What did you want to tell me?"

V: "After the shift we all go to Dean's house and you absolutely must come".

A: "Of course I'm coming, it's been a long time since we've all been together".

V: "Very well. Of course Sullivan is also invited". He said louder. Then he winked at Andy and went out.

Andy did not have time to close the door that the alarm rang again, it was an ambulance call, she sent Maya and Jack. In the meantime, Pruitt also arrived at the barracks and, after having a coffee, he started to do his job at the reception, greeting his daughter in the office in front of him but whom she ignored. Sullivan was still waiting for Andy in his quarters. Closed the door he reached Sullivan.

A: "You should go now, my father has also arrived".

S: "Yes, maybe it's better that I go".

A: "And I keep your shirt here". He said pointing at it on the bed.

S: "No problem, I'll come back later to pick it up, or I'll just leave it here. See you later when you bring me the report from before".

A: "Ok, see you later".

Sullivan went out and went to his office. Andy started filling out the report when Maya called her, they needed the team for the call they received. Maya explained that there was a veteran in an arms shop who threatened everyone and didn't want to talk to anyone. Given the situation, Andy, who knew about Sullivan's military past, went to him to ask for his help. Andy told everyone where to go and she got into the car with Sullivan, she had to explain the situation to him. Once on the scene, Herrera ordered to get people out of the scene as much as possible and get ready in case things didn't go well, then she and Sullivan entered. The owner was injured, but the man who held a grenade in his hand did not want to have him treated, he blamed him if he was now in that situation. Sullivan started talking to the man, convinced him that the owner had to go out, everyone would go out except the two of them. Maya and Jack brought the man out followed by Andy, although the latter did not go out with them. When the three left, she closed the door and stayed inside. In the meantime, the police, the bomb squad and Chief Dixon had also arrived outside and were not happy with the situation. Dixon asked where Herrera or Sullivan was and Maya replied that they were inside and had the situation under control.

Inside, Sullivan was convincing the man to come out without hurting anyone when Dixon didn't speak on the radio. The man got scared and removed the safety of the grenade. Sullivan then put his hands on the man's, he didn't have to leave the grenade, if it had happened it would have been a big problem. The man was agitated and he and Sullivan started to fight, Sullivan hits his left leg against something pointed and feels a great pang, then sees Andy who was left inside and shakes his head.

S: "Hey hey stop. Let's talk about what's happening to you, I can help you if you want".

X: "I can't go on living anymore, it's difficult".

S: "Yes you can. Tell me what happened".

X: "I no longer have anyone, it is useless to continue living".

S: "Don't you have anyone? Someone you care about?" to that statement the man nodded. "You have to fight for her, tell her how you feel, tell her how you feel and be helped by someone it will be easier". Sullivan pointed at Andy and then continued "Do you see that woman there? She is the woman I love, I would like to get out of here I live with her, I would like to wake up every morning with her by my side, I would like to create a family and grow old with her. This could only happen if you give me that grenade and let's get out of here together".

The man was struck by Sullivan's words, but he was not alone, Andy was also impressed. All three of them left the shop and Dixon called Herrera and Sullivan.

D: "This was not your job. There was the police out there, this was their job, not yours". He said screaming and everyone was listening to him.

A: "Sir, with all due respect, Sullivan had the experience to handle this situation, it was my choice".

D: "Herrera, you have been Captain for a very short time I thought you could do this job better".

S: "Sir, it was also my decision, Herrera explained the situation to me, I agreed with you. It's not all Herrera's fault".

D: "Do you want to blame both of you? Very well. We'll talk about it in my office shortly. Within an hour I want you to the department".

S-A: "Yes sir".

Once the discussion with Dixon was over, Andy left the command to Maya and she and Sullivan headed for Dixon's office in the department. Andy was very nervous in the car, she didn't want to lose her post as captain as soon as she got there. Sullivan noticed and took her hand and she calmed down a little. As soon as they arrived Dixon made them sit down.

What will happen? Will Sullivan and Andy be in trouble? You will find out in the next chapter!

This is not my language, sorry if there are mistake.

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