Chapter 30

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When they returned from their honeymoon, they still had one day off before returning to work. When they returned they were overwhelmed by a flood of questions, they were all curious to know where they had gone. They didn't go into details, they just said it was a very nice and quiet place where they relaxed. This wasn't enough for Maya and Vic, they wanted the details, so they took Andy and went to the Captain's office.

M: "Do you really think that what you just said is enough for us?"

V: "You know us, we want the details"

A: "You are awful. It was a very quiet place. It gave me some nice surprises"

V: "And what was the sex like when married? You know we want to know this!"

A: "I know, but I'm not telling you" she said with a super smile.

M: "Your face speaks for itself and if we know you we can even guess.."

A: "Maybe yes, but not everything. Let's hear your theories, I'm curious"

M: "Shower? Bath? Wait, maybe both?"

V: "In my opinion neither of them, there are other surfaces in the bedroom"

A: "You have guessed something but I won't tell you who, but you will never find out one"

M: "Give us a clue"

A: "No, you will look at Robert differently. Some things I just keep to myself"

M: "You're not funny like that, you leave us with curiosity"

V: "It's not like that, you're cruel"

A: "Stop it, you know I love you"

V: "We too"

M: "Ok, enough with the fuss, let's go to work"

During the month following the wedding, Robert's leg was getting worse. There were certain days when he was in so much pain that he even struggled to walk so, together, they decided that he would undergo the operation. The chances of the surgery being successful were still 50% but he had to try. On one of the last few visits with Dr. Shepherd they planned the day of surgery and she explained to Robert and Andy what they would do.

D.S.: "So Robert are you ready to do it?"

R: "Yes"

D.S.: "You must know that there are risks. The success of the operation is always 50% in addition to all the other risks we have already talked about"

A: "When will we know if it is successful?"

D.S.: "When he is on the operating table and I start the operation I will be able to understand the situation better. Certain things until you see them you cannot know what to expect. The day after the operation we will immediately start putting him back on his feet"

R: "So soon?"

D.S.: "Yes, it helps to understand the post-operative situation and it will help your leg to recover as soon as possible"

R: "And then will I have to do physiotherapy?"

D.S.: "Yes you will have to do it"

A: "For how long?"

D.S.: "It will depend on the operation. Do you have any other questions?"

A: "How long will the operation take?"

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