Chapter 20

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Once we got to the station, Andy changed and was heading to the kitchen for breakfast with everyone when Maya and Vic stopped her.
M: "Looks like someone is in a great mood this morning. How do you feel after yesterday?"
A: "I'm better. Thanks for yesterday you helped me not to think about what had happened to me for a while"
M: "I guess we weren't the only ones who didn't make you think yesterday.."
V: "And who knows which way he preferred, certainly not ours!"
A: "Ohh but stop making allusions, I'm not telling you anything"
V: "Not even a small detail?"
A: "There is nothing small, to say"
M-V: "Uhhhh"
A: "Stop it!"
V: "You know how curious we are, everything you tell us remains between us"
A: "What can I tell you? That I had the best orgasm of my life? Eh?"
M: "Really? Is he that good?"
A: "I'm not saying anything else, I've already told you too much"
V: "Your happy face speaks for you!" And all three burst into laughter.
While they were having this conversation Robert was passing by and overheard the last part of their conversation. He managed to make it to the kitchen without them noticing to grab a coffee before being swamped with paperwork in his office. When Andy, Maya and Vic reached the others, Jack approached Andy asking if she was okay after everything that happened yesterday. She replied that everything was fine and that she just wanted to forget what happened. When Andy sat down at the table everyone asked her how she was after they knew what had happened. Then they started talking about something else.
D: "It's been a long time since when we have a day off we don't all have fun together. Let's organize something"
T: "What can we do?"
M: "Camping!"
T: "That's fine with me"
J: "It's good for me too"
V: "I can't wait"
T: "Newbie, will you join us?"
E: "It's okay even if I've never camped in my life"
T: "There is always a first time"
A: "So are you sure about camping?"
M-V-T: "Yes"
A: "Ok, I don't object"
B: "I'm sorry guys but this time I'm going to stay at home with my family. The little girl is growing up too fast and I want to spend time with them"
D: "Don't worry Warren. We're going camping instead!" Said very enthusiastically.
M: "Should we invite Sullivan too?" She said as he glanced at Andy.
T: "Oh sure you do! Andy it's up to you to tell him"
A: "Why me? Go tell him"
T: "You are more friendly with him so .. go now"
A: "There is no way you can oppose me eh"
Without waiting for an answer he went to Sullivan.
A: "Can I enter?"
S: "Come in"
A: "I wanted to tell you that as soon as we have the day off, the whole team will go camping. You too are obviously invited and you can't say no"
S: "Okay"
A: "Perfect, I'm going to tell him"
S: "Ah, Andy?"
A: "mmh?"
S: "So .. the best?"
A: "Did you hear? Did you spy on us?"
S: "I passed by and by chance I heard you"
A: "Ah, ok. Anyway everything you heard was true" Sullivan couldn't help but smile at that statement.
They both then returned to their work. Before starting to clean the station, Andy made everyone change for a group workout. Halfway through practice there was an ambulance call, Jack and Ben on duty. While they went out for the call, Andy decided to stop training for everyone so they could start cleaning and be ready in case they were called. Robert, once he saw Andy had changed from training, showed up at her office with everything he needed to check her wound and change her band-aid. They had had two rather quiet calls during the day.
Once the shift was over, Robert and Andy went to the physiotherapist as he missed his appointment the day before to be with her. Since they had a swimming pool at home, the physical therapist explained the type of exercises to do until the next appointment the following week. Once back home, as it was almost dinner time, they decided to do just a few exercises at home, postponing those in the pool to the next morning before starting the long 24 hour shift. After doing some exercise, after getting changed and having dinner, they relaxed a bit on the sofa before going to bed and sleeping. In the morning the alarm went off at 6, the two got up, changed and went to the garden by the pool. Andy had worn a very seductive red one-piece swimsuit, even if they had to do some boring exercises why not make them a little more pleasant? Upon entering the pool, Robert began to do his exercises and Andy tried to imitate him by making fun of him. This made it more enjoyable to do the leg exercises. After doing the exercises Andy was about to get out of the pool..
R: "Where do you plan to go?"
A: "mmmh .. shower, breakfast and then work" he said as he winked at him.
A: "Ohh I don't think you'll get away with it that easily. I have to thank you first for making the exercises more enjoyable, don't you think?"
A: "It depends what you want to do.."
R: "Come here and you will find out.."
Not if he did repeat it twice, Robert held her in a hug and then kissed her. They stayed to cuddle for a while before getting ready to go to work.
On the way to the station Andy told Robert he wanted to tell Maya and Vic about the proposal, he agreed. They always came early as usual, so Andy called Vic and Maya to his office to talk.
M-V: "Good morning"
A: "Good morning"
M: "What happened? You had a fight with Sullivan"
A: "No no we didn't fight, on the contrary.."
V: "So what happened? Talk!"
A: "Robert asked me to marry him"
Both Maya and Vic were silent for a moment. After the moment of initial shock they started asking her a thousand questions.
M: "When did he ask you?"
V: "How did you make the proposal? And the ring?"
M: "That's what you wore at the gala, right?"
V: "When are you getting married?"
M: "Where are you getting married? And the dress?"
A: "Hey hey hey. Easy with the questions"
M-V: "Tell me then"
A: "It happened not long ago, after our last girl's night. She had set up the garden with a romantic atmosphere. No ring, the one I had on the gala night was really my mother's. Rovert took this pendant to flame shape and had our initials engraved"
V: "How romantic, I'm happy for you"
M: "Congratulations! Come here let me hug" after their hug Vic joined them too.
M: "Sooner or later you'll have to tell everyone right?"
A: "We thought we would do it when we go camping"
V: "Sounds like a great idea to me"
M: "So you move there with him when? Even if you're always there now.."
To: "Of course I'm moving there, that house is wonderful! After this shift I start making boxes."
V: "Imagine that house then with so many mini Sullivans and mini Herrera running around. Oh it will be so beautiful"
A: "You're running a little too fast Vic, he's taken for them"
V: "Meanwhile have fun practicing !!"
A: "What a fool!"
They all walked out of the office with very happy faces, especially Andy. As they passed Robert, Andy nodded to him so he knew he had told them everything. When they were all together for a coffee they were curious to know the reason for all that happiness, of course they said an apology. The morning was quiet enough, a couple of people who needed help showed up and that was it. When it was almost lunchtime, the alarm went off. They all got into the trucks and ambulance and left. The Battalion Chief was also called for this call. Arriving on the scene, they saw rope coming out of a restaurant kitchen. Andy and Sullivan gave all the orders, get all the people out as quickly as possible while others tried to get into the kitchen to keep the flames in check. As they continued to let people out, Sullivan heard a mother scream that her son had stayed inside and that he used to hide under the table. Without thinking twice, he put on the mask and went in alone to save the child. They were just about to leave when there was an explosion from the kitchen that brought down a wall on Sullivan and the baby. When the explosion happened and Andy didn't see Sullivan come out he collapsed to the ground, he couldn't lose him. After a moment of despair, she got up and gave the order to find the two people. As they tried to remove each collapsed piece Andy was there more and more worried because the sound of Sullivan's pass was starting to be heard. Luckily they found them in no time and when Andy saw him move he breathed a sigh of relief. Both Sullivan and the baby were safe, Sullivan had protected him. The boy had only suffered a few scratches, while Sullivan was very sore. Andy had ordered them to put him on a stretcher and take him to the hospital. Travis and Maya took Sullivan to the hospital, Andy told the team to finish the job and joined him.
While driving Robert's car to go to the hospital he called Maya to find out if he had any news and to find out where to find him once he got there. As soon as she arrived she rushed to the waiting room where Maya and Travis were. She was visibly worried, she wanted to see him to see how he was doing. Maya sat her down and tried to calm her down while Travis watched them and thought she was right, there was something between the two, but he said nothing. After an hour the rest of the team arrived, but they still hadn't received any news. Andy had sat on a chair the whole time staring into space. People around her talked, occasionally asking her if she wanted something but she couldn't hear anything until Dr. Meredith Gray came in with some news about Sullivan.
DG: "I have some news on Sullivan. He's fine, he has a few cracked ribs and a big hematoma on his side. We did a CT scan to rule out a concussion, it's okay. Until tomorrow we will keep him under observation to check the 'hematoma. Andy if you want to see him I'll take you to him"
At those words Andy calmed down and at Metedith's last sentence he nodded without saying a word. When the two women walked away, everyone was wondering why only Andy was asked if he wanted to see Sullivan.
T: "I think someone lost the bet.."
J: "I think not"
T: "We'll see who is right in the end"
M: "Stop it, now is the time to think about the bet"
T-J: "Ok"
Meanwhile Andy had arrived in Robert's room.
A: "Don't ever do it again, you made me worry"
R: "Andy .. I'm fine, don't worry"
A: "I'm angry now. You walked in there alone against protocol"
R: "I know, but there was a child, there was no time"
A: "I know, I would have done the same thing too. But I'm still angry with you"
R: "Come and sit here" he said pointing to the space on her bed.
Once she got close, he took her hands and tried to reassure her she was okay, then they kissed. Andy then remembered that the whole team was still outside, somehow she knew they were asking questions about why Meredith had only asked her to go to Sullivan's. He then decided to call Maya to meet her down the hall.
M: "Are you okay? How is he?"
A: "I'm fine, he's in a lot of pain. I'd like to stay here for a while, at most an hour then I'll come back to finish my shift"
M: "Stay as long as you want, if we need you I'll call you"
A: "Thanks. I guess the others wondered why I went to him right?"
M: "They did. Don't worry about them now, you'll think about it later. Call if you need anything"
A: "Ok, see you later"
Andy returned to Robert while Maya returned from the team and they returned to the station. Back at the station there wasn't much to do, after clearing out the trucks they gathered in the kitchen for a break while Andy's return. Andy after spending nearly two hours with Robert, she returned to the station, the 24 hour shift was not over yet. Arriving at the station Andy was bombarded with questions.
T: "So.. where have you been so far?"
A: "I was in the hospital"
T: "With Sullivan?"
A: "Yes"
T: "Are you together?"
A: "Please now is not the time"
T: "Oh, ok"
As Andy walked down the stairs to his office to fill out the call report she was followed by Maya and Vic who really wanted to know how she was after those questions.
M: "Don't lie, how are you?"
A: "I'm fine now. I was worried and angry, but in his place I would have done the same"
V: "You two are the same"
A: "It's true"
M: "Do you know that after today they suspect even more about you two?"
A: "I think we won't be able to keep the secret for long. But at this point we can't go camping the day after tomorrow, Robert has to rest for a week"
V: "You will find another time"
A: "What if we make everyone come to Robert instead of the campsite?"
M: "Sounds like a good idea. Talk to him then you'll find a way to invite them"
A: "I will"
For the rest of the day they had 3 ambulance calls and then it was time to sleep hoping not to wake up in the middle of the night for some calls. Andy was in her bed but she couldn't sleep, she missed Robert. He went into his room, opened his locker and took his shirt, put it on and went back to bed. After an hour that she was still awake there she decided to call him.
R: "Andy is everything okay? It's late"
A: "I can't sleep. I got your shirt, but I miss you"
R: "Tomorrow I will come home quiet, I miss you too. Now try some sleep, you must be rested if there is a call"
A: "I'll try. Good night Robert. I love you"
R: "Good night Andy. I love you"
After closing the call, he managed to fall asleep. The rest of the night was quiet at the station, no calls, while Robert hadn't slept well due to the pain.
When the shift ended, Andy went straight to the hospital to Robert who would be discharged as soon as she was there.
A: "Hey how are you feeling?"
R: "I've been better"
A: "Were you able to sleep?"
R: "I slept little and badly. I can't wait to sleep in a more comfortable bed. Did you sleep?"
A: "After I heard you I was able to sleep. Let's go, the bed at home is waiting for you"
R: "I hope there is also the company I would like and that it wasn't there tonight .."
A: "Ohh quiet, you will have everything you want. Let's go home"
The ride home was fast enough. Once we arrived Andy helped Robert settle down. First they took a shower, since he was in pain when moving, she helped him wash, then they went to bed hugging each other.
A: "There is one thing I should tell you.."
R: "Tell me everything"
A: "We have to tell the team about us. After yesterday they got suspicious and asked me a lot of questions"
R: "I understand. When you want we will tell you"
A: "I thought .. since we don't go camping tomorrow can we invite them here?"
A: "Sounds like a great idea to me"
A: "Only I'm afraid"
R: "Afraid of what?"
A: "How they'll take it. Maya and Vic know it, but the others? What if they don't accept it?"
A: "They'll take it easy. They're your family, aren't they?" Andy nodded "So they'll be happy for you"
A: "You're right. After that I'll send a message to say to come here tomorrow"
The rest of the day passed quietly. Robert was able to rest despite still having enough pain, while Andy, after having also rested, was looking for words to say to the team the next day about their story. Both during dinner and after Robert tried to calm Andy, he told her that everything would be fine, he was by her side, Maya and Vic would be with her, there was no reason to worry. Besides, the two of them were unaware of the bet that had been made, so there was no reason to worry, or maybe yes.
Will everyone really be happy after the reveal or will someone be too jealous? 🙊🤭
The next chapter arrives on next Monday ⭐

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