Chapter 17

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When Sullivan gathered everyone for an important announcement, Andy was worried. What if it announced something about them? Were they together or even announcing their marriage? Andy shook his head to get those thoughts out of his head. Once she arrived in the kitchen with Maya and Vic, Sullivan stopped her and carried her beside him as he handed her an envelope. Andy turned his gaze to her friends looking at them as if she didn't know why she was stopped.
S: "Now that you are all here I can make the announcement." Andy seemed increasingly worried, she did not know what to expect and was curious about the envelope that Robert had given her. “This Saturday will be the annual Seattle Firefighters Fundraiser Gala and we all have to attend. The invitation is for you and for anyone you want to bring. Herrera will then give you your invitations” she said pointing to the envelope he had given her. Andy heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't say anything about the two of them.
Before giving his homework for the day, Andy opened the envelope and gave them all their invitations. Maya and Vic looked at Andy to see if she knew anything but she shook herself. When Sullivan left Andy followed him.
A: “You could have told me even before the gala, I thought you had to tell about us. I was really worried"
R: “I would never have said anything without first talking to you about it, don't you think? And for the gala I only learned about it this morning when I arrived"
A: “Ok ok. We'll have to talk to my father about the wedding, don't you think?"
R: “When you want, it was up to me we will talk to each other now, but we have to work. Ah, obviously you will come with me"
A: “I would say yes. Wait .. isn't it that they can suspect something this way?"
R: "Don't worry, everyone knows we're friends right?"
A: "Friends who sleep together and are getting married though"
R: “This is also true. We will be able to be just friends for a few hours, it won't be difficult, trust me"
A: “I trust. Now I have to go, see you later"
R: "See you later"
The morning seemed quiet until the alarm went off. Initially it was a call only for the ambulance, but then everyone had to intervene due to a gas monoxide leak inside a wedding dress shop. Once they arrived at the scene they made passers-by back off and also evacuated people to the shops next door making sure no one was smoking or had anything flammable, any spark could cause something more serious than a simple gas leak. Andy had sent his team inside to check that everything was alright and as he waited for their news his gaze stopped on a dress displayed in the window. It was not the classic white wedding dress, but it was in shades of pink, it was love at first sight. The team did not take long inside the shop and when they came out Maya told both the Captain and the owner of the shop that a heating pipe had broken and had to be replaced before it could reopen. Once back, Andy got out of the truck and saw his father talking to Robert in his office, as soon as their eyes met he waved her to join them. Upon reaching Robert's office, Andy walked in without even knocking on the door.
A: "What's going on? Dad are you okay?"
P: "I'm fine, I just picked up my invitation for Saturday and was having a chat with Robert. And then I brought you something" Pruitt pulled out of his pocket a box with a ring in it. "You know this was your mother's, it's time for you to wear it”
Andy, before answering his father, turns to Robert ”Did you tell him we're getting married? Didn't we agree that we'd tell him together?”
R: "But he already knew everything from yesterday morning. Before making the proposal I asked his permission"
Andy was left speechless, she didn't know what to say. Then he took the ring and put it on his finger, it was beautiful. It was a plain white gold ring with a small pink diamond.
A: "I've never seen this before, it's beautiful, thanks dad" and ran to hug him.
P: "I kept it hidden until the right moment came. Now that moment has come. I'm happy for you" this time Robert also joined the embrace.
R: "Now I have to leave you, I have an appointment with the physiotherapist"
A: "I'll take you then"
R: "It doesn't matter. This time I'm going alone, don't worry. You're working, I took an hour off, as soon as I get back I'll tell you how it went, don't worry"
A: "Okay. See you later"
Robert kissed Andy's forehead before leaving and headed to his car to go to the hospital. Andy and Pruitt stayed a few more minutes in the office talking.
P: "Have you already told the team about you?"
A: "Not yet. Maya and Vic are the only ones who know about our history, but they don't know anything about the proposal"
P: "You know that sooner or later someone else will find out? Isn't it better that they know it from you?"
A: "I know, I know, but at the moment we're fine. When we're ready we'll say it. You know today the call we had was in a wedding dress shop and .. I fell in love with a dress that was in shop window"
P: "I'm really happy Andy. I haven't seen you so happy in a long time"
A: "After a while I'm really happy. Are you staying here for a while today?"
P: "Oh yeah yeah. I promised the guys I'd do my famous chili today"
A: "Perfect, then let's go!" Before leaving, however, she removed the ring from her finger, put it back in its box and put it in her pocket.
Meanwhile, Robert had just arrived at his apartment with the physiotherapist. In the half hour they had, the doctor made him do some exercises and then taught him to do some exercises that he could do both when he was at home and when he was at work. He ran out of time and went back to the station and first stopped by Andy's as he promised.
A: "Hey you're back"
R: "Yes, I just arrived and as I promised I came to you"
A: "How did it go? Does your leg hurt?"
R: "It went well. I did some exercises and then he explained others to do when I'm at home or here. For now my leg doesn't hurt much, but it could improve with something.." he said, always approaching more to Andy.
A: "mmmh .. Could a kiss be enough?"
R: "I'd say it's ok to start"
After a short but intense kiss, Robert told Andy that it was better for the moment.
A: "It's lunchtime, today is my dad's special chili. Better hurry and go before the others finish it!"
R: "Ahahah. Let's go"
While they were all at the table eating they started talking about the Saturday gala. The boys asked the girls how they would dress, but they didn't reveal any details while they said they would wear the same dress from previous years, they used it only on those occasions. The discussion then passed on the various companions.
B: "Of course I'll be with Miranda"
M: " You will know mine on Saturday”
V: "I'll ask Jackson to accompany me"
Then came the rookie's turn, he would be accompanied by his girlfriend, while Jack, Travis and Dean had decided not to bring anyone, rather they would have accompanied each other. Jack was not very happy with this situation, he would have preferred to ask Andy to be his date, but he didn't. Travis then asked Andy who she was going with.
A: "Sullivan and I will come together" he said very quietly amidst the surprised looks of some.
T: "Ohh good"
Lunch continued amidst various laughter until everyone got back to work.
The rest of the day and the following ones were quite quiet, there were several calls but they were all things that were solved in a short time.
On Saturday mornings they were still on duty, their shift would be over in the afternoon after lunch so that they had time to rest and prepare for the evening.
At the end of the shift, everyone headed to their own home, Andy first went to the apartment he shared with Vic and Maya to get some spare clothes and the necessary for the evening before going to Robert's house.
R: "Do you know that you could bring all your things here? This is also your house now" he said giving her a copy of the house keys.
A: "I will take everything calmly"
R: "Ok. Are you tired?"
A: "A little. I think I'll put myself in bed for an hour. Will you come with me?"
R: "Of course I'm going with you"
The two headed to the bedroom where they fell asleep to rest before getting ready for the evening.
In the next chapter all elegant dresses for the gala and beyond ..😏🙊
The next chapter in a week 😉

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