Chapter 7

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The fire was in a factory where many people worked. Once on the scene there were already two other teams that had started the evacuation and started to put out the flames. Sullivan immediately divided his team in pairs to enter and help with the evacuation.

The couples were: Sullivan-Herrera, Montgomey-Gibson, Warren-Miller and Hughes-Bishop.

The team came in, split up and started helping as they could. After they were there, the fire was not yet under control, every half hour everyone took a short break to drink and rest for a moment before returning. When all the trapped people were finally brought out to safety, they all entered again with their hoses to help extinguish the flames from the inside. The fire was getting stronger, the walls were starting to collapse when everyone heard on the radio "Come on, everyone out. It is dangerous to be inside. We will try to tame the fire only from the outside. Everyone out, this is an order! " said Chief Dixon. Without discussion, they all started to go out, some went out easily, while others had to make their way through the rubble of the collapsed walls. When they were all out, team 19 noticed that someone was missing. They looked around, there was no trace, they looked at each other and they were all shocked. Maya met Sullivan's gaze who was very worried, Andy was the one who hadn't gone out. Sullivan was about to freak out when he heard his voice on the radio, got trapped and couldn't move. She started to blame herself, it was her fault if she was still in there in the flames, it was her fault if she hadn't protected her, it was only her fault if something had happened to her. At that point Maya, seeing him so worried, took the situation in hand and answered Andy.

M: "Herrera, where are you? How are you?"

A: "I am trapped, I have something on my leg, I can't move. Help me".

M: "Where are you? See anything? We will come and get you".

A: "I see a red door, but I can't read what is written on it. There is a lot of smoke and it is very hot".

M: "Ok. We will come to you soon".

A: "Hurry up, I have very little oxygen left, I don't know how long I can resist".

M: "Hold on, we're coming".

A: "Ook". She replied in a shaky voice. At that moment Andy was afraid, she was pure not to make it.

Communication broke off. Then Sullivan recovered, he was the Captain, he was in charge. While everyone was arguing about what to do, Sullivan interrupted them, said that he would go as captain, he would not put another life of his team at risk and then before going out he was with her, he remembered that door, he knew where to go. Chief Dixon did not want to give him permission to return to save Herrera but, with the help of his team who has him, he managed to enter.

The conditions were very bad, there was fire and a lot of smoke, almost nothing was seen, the walls continued to slowly collapse, something hit him, but he did not stop, he had to get to her as soon as possible. He walked slowly, paying attention to where he was putting his feet, until he saw her. He approached her, attacking her oxygen to her, but Andy was not responding, he had lost consciousness. He started to move the rubble he was wearing, picked her up and finally managed to take her out. They immediately put her on a stretcher and taken by ambulance. Slowly he regained consciousness and as soon as he opened his eyes he saw him, he was on the ambulance with her, he only said "Thanks", he smiled even though he was very worried about him. Once they got to the hospital they did all the checks on Andy and also checked Sullivan since he had been exposed to smoke for a long time. Andy had suffered injuries to her leg, she was supposed to stay in the hospital for a few days, while Sullivan was okay.

The whole team rushed into Andy's room, the Captain also went to her but remained standing in the doorway, it was right that at that moment she was with her friends. After the visiting hours they all left, Andy was alone, but Doctor Grey had a surprise, she had made sure to stay him, she had seen how she looked at him, she knew that at that moment he was what he needed. Andy was very happy with that surprise.

A: "Hey, hello".

R: "How do you feel? I'm sorry for what happened to you, it's just my fault". He really felt guilty, he didn't like seeing her in those conditions, in a hospital bed that was suffering.

A: "I'm fine Robert, come closer". When he approached, she took his hand and made him sit on the bed next to her. "Stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault. You saved me. Thanks".

And without saying anything, he hugged her and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

A: "mmmhhh .. Do you know what would make me feel better right now?" he said with a slight smile.

R: "What? I would do anything to make you feel better".

A: "If you kissed me now, right now".

Robert didn't think twice, kissed her. For the night he had decided to stay beside her. When Andy fell asleep he settled into the armchair next to her, and although it was uncomfortable for him it didn't matter, he wanted to stay close to her.

When he awoke, she was surprised to see him still there.

A: "Good morning Robert".

R: "Good morning Andy. Did you sleep well? How do you feel?"

A: "Hey hey too many questions, one at a time!" both burst into laughter. "I slept well and I'm better."

R: "I'm glad to hear you say it." He went up to her and kissed her.

A: "Do you know that we have something outstanding?" she said amused.

R: "Oh Andy I couldn't forget it, but this is neither the time nor the right place for these things. I don't want to leave you alone, but the shift starts soon, I have to go. See you when I'm done. For anything, call or send a message. "

OK. I will definitely write to you, I will have to stay here all day alone, it will be boring".

They said goodbye and he went to the barracks. The day passed very slowly, there were only 2 calls both were for the ambulance. Andy and Robert started texting each other.

A: "How's the day going? I am bored".

R: "Quiet day, two calls for an ambulance and that's it. How do you feel?"

A: "I'm fine, I would like to go home, but I have to stay here for two more days. UFF!"

R: "Ahahah. Don't despair, I'll join you later."

A: "But you should come a little later, the boys will come as soon as they finish the shift".

R: "Okay. Call when they leave and I'll get there."

A: "Very well. See you later. Kisses".

R: "Many kisses, see you later".

Andy was happy to see his friends again, but after a while he chased them away, they were tired and had to rest for the next shift. So they did as Andy ordered him, they left and she called Robert who arrived in no time. They talked about their day and then Andy collapsed. Robert also stayed with her that night. He did the same the next day when he then left the hospital, he finally returned home. Before going back to work he had to stay at home another 3-4 days. Once back home, they saw less because Maya and Vic were always with her, but they always exchanged many messages.

A week later Andy returned to work, everyone was happy that she had returned. During the day Dixon spent in the barracks which had news to give to the whole team ..

What news will they be? Beautiful? Ugly? Wait for the next chapter and find out!

This is not my native language, sorry if there are mistake.

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