Chapter 28

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About a month before the wedding, during one of the checkups with Dr. Shepherd, Robert had accidentally met Pruitt in the hospital. He had been unwell in the last few days due to cancer so he decided to go for a checkup.

R: "Why are you here?"

P: "I checked, I haven't been well these days"

R: "You could have told us. What did they say?"

P: "Since I'm not doing any treatment the cancer is getting worse. I have less time left than I thought"

A: "I'm very sorry. Andy knows?"

P: "You don't know anything and you don't have to know, I don't want you to worry about me"

R: "He should know instead"

P: "No, I want to spend the time I have left with her, with you in the best possible way. And then in a month you will get married, I don't want to ruin anything"

R: "Even if she knew, you wouldn't ruin anything"

P: "I know her. She would worry about me and I don't want to. Can we keep this between us?"

A: "I hate having secrets with Andy, but if that's what you want I will. On one condition though"

P: "Which one?"

R: "If at any moment I feel bad I'll tell you. And if you feel unwell like these days I would like to know and I will help you"

P: "Okay. Thanks"

After having that conversation with Pruitt, Robert had decided not to take a trip too far for the honeymoon, because if something happened and they couldn't be there any time soon he would never forgive himself.

End of flashback

For the newlyweds, the morning after the wedding, it was time to leave for a few days for their honeymoon. Robert loaded the bags into the car and they drove off. On the way, Andy was still trying to get him to tell where they were headed, but Robert didn't tell her anything. The journey was quite short, in about 2 hours they arrived at their destination. They were just outside Seattle in a countryside where Robert had booked into a B&B.

A: "Wow, this place is beautiful" she said as he got out of the car

R: "Do you really like it?"

A: "A lot, you made an excellent choice"

R: "Be prepared for many surprises"

The two then entered the B&B and a little girl came running and immediately introduced herself.

Annabel: "Hi, I'm Annabel and they are my grandparents" she said pointing to the two people behind her.

A: "Hi Annabel, I'm Andy and he is Robert" he replied as he lowered himself to the child's height.

Grace: "Welcome, I'm Grace, this is Richard and she is our granddaughter Annabel. You must be Mr and Mrs Sullivan, right?"

R: "Thanks, yes it's us" he replied while Andy was still crouched next to the baby.

Grace: "Annabel leave the gentlemen alone, I don't think they want to be disturbed"

A: "There is no problem, she is a very sweet child"

Annabel: "See grandma? She says it too I don't disturb"

Grace: "But don't disturb too much"

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