Chapter 22

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As she paced back and forth in her office she was thinking about whether to call Robert after talking to Jack or to wait when she got home, surely she knew she would talk to Maya and Vic. His thoughts were interrupted by Jack knocking on the door.
A: "Come in and close the door"
Jack did as he was told. Once inside and closed the door he sat in the chair opposite Andy.
A: "So? What do you have to tell me? It seems to me that you have already said everything yesterday" she said annoyed and angry.
J: "I wanted to explain to you. I know I shouldn't have told you what I said, but I don't regret it. What I said is all true for me"
A: "If you think so then we're done and you can also go"
J: "No, please. Listen to me"
A: "Ok"
J: "Well maybe I shouldn't have called you a bitch in front of everyone, for that I'm sorry. But isn't it a coincidence that they were about to give promotions and you became Captain while you were together?"
A: "You shouldn't have said anything about what came out of that mouth. I didn't get this place because we were together. We fought over it. She left me for this reason. I deserved this place, I always deserved it too. before he came here, but he was afraid that if we were together I wouldn't get it. So stop insinuating certain things"
J: "Ok. Why did you decide to marry him and not me?"
A: "Things have changed, once I didn't want the wedding, but I just wanted to have fun, then he came and for the first time I really fell in love. He makes me feel good and I love him. That's why the groom"
J: "But I still love you, I never stopped doing it"
A: "Please stop. I don't love you, I never loved you the way you wanted. We had a good time together, but for me it was just sex, it was never anything more"
J: "I disagree. Can I do something?" he said as he got up from his chair and walked over to her.
A: "Don't do anything stupid that you know you'll regret it"
Jack got even closer to her and tried to kiss her, but he couldn't. Andy's hand was faster and hit him in the face. Jack quickly left his office and headed for some ice to put on his face.
M: "What happened?"
J: "Nothing"
M: "Of course not. Now you will tell me that you hit your face while going up the stairs" she said sarcastically.
J: "It happens that your friend is totally crazy"
M: "What have you been up to? What did you say strange to her?"
J: "I didn't say anything and I didn't do anything"
M: "I don't believe you but I'll find out soon. Vic? Come like me"
The two got out and went straight to Andy's. They entered his office without knocking and closed the door. She was on the phone, she had called Robert to find out how he was, she still hadn't told him what had happened with Jack. When he saw Maya and Vic enter he greeted Robert and ended the call.
M: "Talk. We saw Jack looking for ice for his face"
A: "He's an idiot"
V: "We knew it, we always knew it"
A: "We were talking, then he came over and tried to kiss me, but I hit him before it happened"
M-V: "Ohhh"
Before Maya or Vic could say anything else, the alarm went off. They all ran to their places. Jack was putting on his jacket when Andy stopped him.
A: "Gibson! You stay here. You're on shift at the reception"
J: "My turn was on the ambulance"
A: "Not anymore. Warren take Gibson's place and let's go. Let's get moving"
The call was for an accident involving multiple cars. The scene wasn't the best. Some people were stuck in their cars because another one overturned. They had to be rescued as soon as possible as some of the tanks were leaking gasoline, one spark would be enough to make it a tragedy. They all immediately got to work carrying out the task they had been assigned. The situation was complicated. Warren and Montgomery constantly monitored all patients so that he received all necessary care right away, it was not an easy job. Everyone else was busy with the tools to make that pile of cars a little safer place to save people. Andy's Captain's job was to keep everything under control, yet he couldn't stand still and watch as everyone got busy. She also took the tools and joined the team text. Andy got updates from Warren and Montgomery every 5-10 minutes. The work was still long, even those from station 23 had come to their aid and helped each other.
Jack, who was at his desk, was getting bored. No one phoned, no one came through the door for help. While he was fiddling with some pens the phone rang, it was Sullivan. He needed to talk to Andy, but his cell phone wasn't answering, so he figured he was out on a call.
J: "Hello? Station 19 here, do you need help?"
S: "Gibson? I'm looking for Andy"
J: "Captain Herrera is not here at the moment"
S: "I thought. Could you do me a favor?"
J: "Sure"
S: "When she comes back you can tell her that there is a file on my desk I need, she can bring it to me when she gets home"
J: "Ok, I'll tell her" and closed the phone without saying anything else.
Squad 19 and 23 were finishing releasing all the people stuck inside their cars. Warren and Montgomery checked the patients for the last time as soon as the people were pulled out before sending them to the hospital to check them. On the way back, Maya went back to Jack with Andy.
M: "You think you tell Sullivan about Jack"
A: "Yes, but I don't know how to tell him. I know that when I tell him he will be very angry"
M: "He would be right to get angry"
A: "I know, I know" she said with a sigh as he stared straight ahead.
Once back at the station they went to change and then found themselves in the kitchen to eat something. The call had been very long and they had missed lunch. Jack informed Andy that nothing happened during their absence and didn't tell him that he had called Sullivan, his intent was to get them to fight and he probably would have succeeded.
While they were all eating a sandwich they kept talking about the call they had had and how no one had ever seen such an incident. While they were telling everything Jack was a little jealous, they were out doing the job they loved while he sat at his desk all day getting bored. After he finished eating Andy went to his office to write the report and then rested a little. She hadn't checked her phone the whole time, so she hadn't seen Robert's missed call.
At the end of his shift he finally returned home and found Robert finishing preparing dinner.
A: "What a good smell, my mouth is watering"
R: "Hey, welcome back" he walked over to her and kissed her on the lips. "How did your day go?"
A: "It was stressful, very stressful. I'm going to change and I'll tell you"
R: "Ok, in the meantime I'll end up in the kitchen"
Andy chose to put on one of those sexy tank tops that barely reached her thigh that she uses to sleep so when she talked to Robert about Jack he might get less angry at seeing her like that.
R: "Wow, what do I owe this outfit to?"
A: "I wanted to be more comfortable"
R: "Ohh great"
The two sat down to enjoy dinner. Robert wanted to know about his day and the call they had had. Andy told him almost everything, he had omitted the part of when he talked to Jack. After clearing the table and setting up the kitchen they went to get comfortable in bed to watch a movie, or at least that was the intention. Robert sat in the middle of the bed against the back and Andy got between the two legs leaning against his chest without him feeling pain. He held her tight in his arms as he stroked her everywhere.
R: "You know I called you today"
A: "Oh yeah? I was probably out, I didn't check my phone when I came back. Did you need something?"
R: "Don't worry. Did Jack tell you anything when you got back?"
A: "No, no words. What did he have to tell me?"
R: "I needed a folder that's in my office so I could finish a job tomorrow morning"
A: "I didn't know anything. I'm sorry I didn't bring it to you, tomorrow morning you will have it somehow"
R: "There is no rush. Why was he not with you but he was at the desk?"
A: "Well.. I don't know how to tell you. If I tell you do you promise not to go crazy?"
R: "Ok, what happened?"
A: "We talked. Or rather, he kept insinuating certain things, he told me that what he said yesterday he doesn't regret it and then.." he didn't know whether to tell him or not that he had tried to kiss her, but he had to know. "And then he tried to kiss me, but it went wrong I hit him before he could. Don't be mad for not telling you right away"
R: "Ohh but I'm not angry, I'm angry but not with you but with Jack"
A: "Then there are two of us"
R: "So that's why you dressed like this for dinner? You wanted to distract me?"
A: "Did I succeed?"
R: "I would say yes, I was only thinking about dessert.."
A: "And for when I want to have sex with you we can't. You can't make an effort until your ribs are settled"
R: "Thanks for reminding me. Do you know how hard it is to resist you right now?"
A: "Well maybe I could use something rubber.."
R: "Wait! Are you saying you use one of those?"
A: "Is it so strange? You know in certain situations it is useful"
R: "I'm not enough for you?"
A: "Since we've been together I haven't used it anymore, don't worry"
R: "Understood. But now I'm curious.. did you only use it at home or even at the station?"
A: "In both places. You don't know how relaxing it can be after a call. Aren't you going to tell me you never did anything alone while you were at the station?"
R: "It might have happened sometime"
A: "See? There's nothing wrong with that"
R: "I know, but when we are together that thing you can forget it, I'll take care of you alone" he said starting to pull down the shoulder strap of the tank top and leave her kisses on the shoulder.
A: "Oh yes?" she said as she was letting herself go completely to him.
R: "Do you want to play?"
A: "Oh yes, I like to play"
He continued pulling down the other shoulder strap as well as her hands moved over her breasts. He made her lean well against his chest on the side where she felt less pain and made her spread her legs intertwining them with his. One of his hands continued to tease her nipples, first one and more, while the other hand had dropped to her thighs and was stroking her. He took Andy's hand and holding it tightly they slowly began to caress the inner part of his thigh until they reached his intimacy. Robert was not very surprised to find that he wore no other undergarments. She somehow knew where the evening would take her. They intertwined the fingers of their hands and then started going up and down along its slit. She was ready to welcome him and get pleasure, but the game wasn't over yet. The hand that was teasing her breasts took Andy's other free hand and led that one under her too. With his fingers still intertwined he decided to penetrate her, Andy has never been so horny for what she was about to do. He had never done such a thing. Sure, she'd given herself pleasure, but never with anyone who drove her like that. As two fingers entered her, the other hand was guided over her clit in slow circular motions. They made slow movements to increase the pace more and more until she reached his pleasure.
A: "It was.. wow"
R: "I told you that I was taking care of you, now and always"
A: "That's why I love you"
R: "Only for this?"
A: "Mainly for this"
Andy turned to him and kissed him.
A: "I love you for everything, I love you because you make me feel good, I love you because you make me feel alive, I love you becaus .. because I just love you"
R: "I love you too"
A: "You know I feel something very hard.." she said mischievously.
R: "You know how it was, it was very exciting before"
Andy turned around again and got down on her knees towards him so they could look each other in the eye. As she kissed him passionately her hands went down his chest and stopped when he felt the elastic of his boxers. With a quick gesture, those were no longer a problem. Their mouths never left, she took his member in her hand and started stroking it up and down with slow and then faster and faster movements. They went on like this for some time changing pace to make it last longer, he stroked her everywhere with his hands, when then Robert reached pleasure Andy stood next to him resting his head on his chest. They then fell asleep hugging as they did every night.
Andy's shift the next morning started very early, so she got up and prepared without waking Robert. Before leaving the house she left a note on the bedside table:
"Good morning, I went out early and I didn't want to wake you up. Later I'll send you someone with what you need. See you later. I love you, A."
When Andy arrived at the station she found Maya and Vic waiting for her in her office, they wanted to know if she had told Robert about Jack.
M-V: "Good morning Andy"
A: "Good morning, what are you doing here?"
M: "You know why we're here. How did it go?"
V: "Was he angry?"
A: "It's alright. I told him, he was angry not with me, of course, but with Jack. Do you know what Jack did? Or rather what he didn't do?"
V: "What?"
A: "Robert called yesterday because he wanted me to bring him some papers so he could work at home this morning but Jack didn't tell me anything. I think he did it on purpose, I think he wanted to make us fight, but he couldn't"
M: "He's really an asshole! Now what are you going to do with him? Will you talk to him?"
A: "Just talking to Jack, he doesn't understand. He'll be on duty at the reception for days and days"
V: "Cruel"
M: "Cruel but fair"
All three then headed to the kitchen for the usual breakfast with the whole team. After talking for a while, Andy gave everyone homework, obviously the only one who wasn't happy with his homework was Jack himself, he had another boring shift. The team was then called in for an intervention. But before he went, Andy told Dixon that he wasn't going with them but that he had to bring some documents to Sullivan's house and then he would stay with Gibson at the desk and clean up.
When the team left Jack stopped Dixon.
J: "Hey newbie, I'll take care of those. Stay here at your desk"
D: "But Captain Herrera gave me the task"
J: "I don't care. I'm the lieutenant, you're a rookie, I'm in charge"
D: "Ok ok. Here"
Jack walked out the door and headed for Sullivan's house.
Oh oh oh .. What will happen now?
A new chapter next Monday!

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