Chapter 19

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Warning, the chapter contains explicit sex scenes, if you don't want to read them skip the last part.

Arriving at the station Andy after changing clothes remained in his office reading the fire report until the summoned firefighters arrived. Since his office was small for everyone, they used the break room to talk about what had happened. While they were there and talking, the team started to arrive and were curious what was going on. Sullivan called Maya to his office.

M: "Did you want to see me Chief?"

S: "Sit down please. How did you see Andy is in a meeting with the team we attended last night, I don't know how long they'll be there, if there are any calls you'll be the Captain until she's done, ok?"

M: "Yes Sir. Can I ask you a question?"

S: "Tell me"

M: "What happened last night? I saw Andy through the glass and he didn't look good"

S: "Here this is the second reason why I made you come here. Last night we could not save a woman who was asking for our help from the window. Whoever entered did not do her job well and she gives everything. She slept little last night she had nightmares. I wanted to ask both you and Vic if you could be with her tonight, my shift ends later and I don't want her to be alone. You can stay with me, there's ice cream in abundance, Andy told me of your tradition"

M: "Oh I see. We will definitely be with her"

S: "Thank you"

Leaving Sullivan's office, Maya took Vic aside and told her the situation, then gathered the team and said that on the next calls until Andy was available she would be the Captain.

Andy was listening to everyone to see where they went wrong. Everyone gave the usual version of events, they checked all the apartments, entered every room but they had no trace of the woman. Then the recruit intervened. That recruit was Kat, the same one she and Vic had helped a few months ago.

K: "Well ... actually an apartment was skipped"

A: "How sorry?"

K: "It was the apartment at the end of the corridor. There were already a lot of flames and you didn't enter"

A: "And why didn't you go in? You had the hoses with you, you could have saved that woman"

K: "It's not my fault, I told my supervisor what should be done in these cases, he replied that now there was nothing more to be done for those who lived in there if there was someone"

A: "Who was it to tell you this?"

K: "I can't tell"

A: "Oh and you have to say it instead" at this point she was screaming and very angry. "Nothing will happen to you if you say so, it's not your fault"

K: "I really can't, if I do I won't be able to work with them anymore"

A: "This is not a good reason, a woman died because someone didn't do her job well. She just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible regardless of the consequences"

At those words Kat pointed to a person. Andy got everyone out of the room saying they could leave and went with the rookie and the other fireman to his office to continue the conversation. Andy was really mad at him, he was a lieutenant, he had years of experience and yet he didn't do his job well. For the umpteenth time he listened to what had happened, but this time there was also the part of the apartment that they did not check. After having listened carefully to everything several times he had to do something, such a situation should not go unpunished. He left his office and headed to Sullivan's.

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