Chapter 27

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During the three days before the wedding Andy and Robert had little time to be together, there was always someone in their house who had to fix something for the party. They both couldn't wait to be on their honeymoon and not have anyone around for a few days. Andy had tried in every possible way to extract some information about the destination, but Robert did not miss a single detail. Ryan and Andy had managed to spend a few hours together as they once did. They had a piece of cake and a coffee at their favorite place and went to a park like they did when they were kids. They had spent a few hours talking, Ryan was really happy to see Andy so happy to be with Robert. Before going home Andy asked Ryan something.

A: "There is one thing I would like to ask you"

Ry: "Ask for anything you want"

A: "You are my best friend and you know how much I love you, would you be my best man?"

Ry: "Are you serious?" Andy nodded. "Of course I will, I thought you would never ask me and then I thought you would ask Maya or Vic"

A: "Well someone had to be Robert's best man, they've helped us a lot in these months. In a way it's also thanks to them that we're together.."

Ry: "I understand. It will be difficult for him to choose one of the two! Ahah"

A: "It's not my problem! Surely he's talking to them right now"

Meanwhile at home Robert was talking to Maya and Vic. Robert was almost embarrassed to ask them something, he didn't know how to approach the subject.

R: "Emh.. can I talk to you two for a moment?"

M: "Is there something wrong?"

V: "Do we have to make changes?"

R: "Oh no, no, it's all perfect. You did a great job. I just ... I don't know how to ask"

M: "Do you want to buy something special and sexy for Andy?"

R: "No, no, it's not that. I'd like to ask you if you'd like to be my wedding witnesses. Here it was"

M: "We can never say no"

V: "Of course we will, but both of us?"

R: "Yes, both. I couldn't have chosen just one or the other"

M: "And is Andy okay? I mean we thought she was asking us, not you"

R: "She must be asking Ryan right now. I chose you because it is thanks to your help that we are now here together and are getting married"

V: "We are happy for you. But now enough talk we have to finish the job"

Maya and Vic went back to the garden where they were finishing up the lights and then they were planning a little surprise for the two. The garden was magnificent, there were lights stuck up everywhere, then they had organized a large table where they would all sit together for dinner, reserving the seat at the head of the table for the two future spouses and had called the best catering in Seattle for food.

The night before the wedding Maya was trying to convince Andy to go to sleep with them, according to tradition the bride and groom would not have to see each other again until the ceremony, but she did not agree. She told Maya that she would go to them in the morning to get ready, but that evening she would stay at her house with Robert. This was going to be their last boyfriend night. They went to bed quite early because the next day they wanted to be in great shape, but neither of them could sleep.

A: "Do you believe that tomorrow at this time we will be husband and wife?"

R: "I believe it. I can't wait for tomorrow. You know I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time"

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